Chapter 18

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And so Jacob finally made it home. Christine and Jacob were both a little edgy to meet one another. This break from each other has not necessarily been a faithful one.

After that night with Stephanie, Christine realised that although woman can be unbelivably hot, she cannot be unfaithful to her man. She promised herself that she would never do such again, and when she saw Jacob again she found her reason not to.

Obviously when they met - none of them told them about the endeavors they partook in the absence of one another.

Tonight they decided to go on a little drive along the beautiful streets of this hilltop. They got into his mercedes convertible and drove off into the starry night.

They parked on the highest part on the hill to sit and talk. It'd been a while - they missed each other's company.

"Chrissy you really look beautiful tonight, i just can't say enough" Jacob said

"Oh J stop it" She smiled. She wore an oversized jacket with nothing underneath.

"How was your trip though ?" She asked excitedly "Is Venice really that beautiful ?"

"It was pretty cool, I have to take you there one day"

"And what about your client ? How was she"

"Baby you know I don't discuss clients with you, and not was there anything to discuss. I love you and you know that.?" He said as he took out a lighter and a cigarette from his pocket.

"Since when do you smoke j ?" She asked all confused as she sat up straight.

"I don't" he said as he blew air out

"Wow okay, and what's with the cheeky answers ?"

"It's nothing, just forget it" He said calmly

"Fine" She said angrily

He felt bad. Just because he couldn't tell her about Chance didn't mean he had to act like a dick. He was just going through the most at the moment.

"I'm sorry Chrissy - I've just been going through some stuff" He said with tone of sadness

"It's okay Jacob, i get it, we can't always be at our best" She said sweetly and genuinely - as she put her hand on his thigh.

"Why don't you come sit over here" He said as he pushed his seat back and pointed to his lap.

She climbed over and sat on his left thigh against the door and kissed him as her hand went up his shirt. He had his hand on her low thigh. She took his hand and she slowly slid it up a little higher, and higher, and higher.

"Dripping for daddy aren't ya ?" Jacob said as he touched her wet pussy.

"What's a girl got to do around here to get some of that dick ?" She said to him letting out slight gasps of air as he began to insert his fingers in her.

"Oh for you - it's all free madame" He said as he began curving his fingers in her and tickling her gspot. She started riding the fingers as she moaned. As he rubbed her clit with his thumb, he began kissing her neck passionately. Very passionately, he was really in the moment. Her moans were making him very hard and aroused.

"Oh baby stOp- oh FucK me this feels sOo good mmm" She said.

She stopped him and took the lead. With the seat pushed all the way there was room for her to get down on her knees. She began unzipping his pants and pulling his hard dick out. She started stroking it, at first. She then started licking the tip and teasing him. She hit his dick against her cheek as she looked at him. She lubed his dick with generous amount of saliva. She'd heard that the more saliva the better the blowjob. The sloppier the job the hotter he felt. The more moans she'd make the more he'd be on the verge to come. She was about to give this man the treat of his life. She licked it all around and then began sucking. she licked the top and slowly went deeper and deeper down her throat until she gagged. She had both her hands, to show him how big his cock was, twisting it from side to side. She started of slowly because she wanted to increase the pleasure slowly. She would occasionally squeeze his balls and put it in her mouth. She began going faster and faster, deeper and deeper, as if she was thirsty for his big dick. Matter of fact she was. She let of loud moans when it went deeper. He was panting loudly, with his white shirt undone the wind breezed over his hard nipples. She looked up at him with her eyes as she gagged on his dick and he couldn't contain himself any longer. That one look has him feeling like he hardest he ever has. He took her head and pushed a little more for it to go down deeper as he let out loud moans. There's two parts - sex and oral sex. None of them are more important than the other. They both play a significant role in pleasuring your partner. And she knew that no one could give him head better than her. He was getting more and more hyper, he was about to come soon. Just then she pulled out and rub his dick quickly to get the cum on her face. He panted and and bit his lip tightly and let it out with huge breath. He wiped some of it of her face and let her lick his finger. Which she sucked clean.

"Get over here you little thing" He said with a smile on her face as he seated her on his dick "Ride it now"

Her insides awaited his big cock, she wanted it so bad. She needed it. She slowly inserted it in, and let out a huge moan as it reached in deep. He took his hand and covered her mouth tightly so she'd make less noise. She started going harder and harder, rough raw sex. And moaning beyond control. Her moans did something too him too. She got his dick hard inside her. She kept riding it as deep as she could. Because his dick wasn't like any toy or any person. Nothing satisfied like his dick. No alone session could make up for his cock deep inside her.

Eventually she took her seat back in the car, and they drove back home.

The night was nice, exactly how'd she'd hoped to meet Jacob after so long.

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