9. No way

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Her name was on repeat in Cameron's head. After the blond left, Cameron spent a full half hour staring into space and saying her name out loud to keep hearing it. She loved it. She loved the sound of it, the way it rolled on her mouth, the way it matched with the blond's character. And she loved the effect it had on her.

After waking up from a deeply needed nap that lasted until 8pm, Cameron had the pleasant surprise of seeing that Sasha had texted her, thanking her again and apologizing for leaving so soon. From there, Cameron didn't stop answering back, asking new questions, reacting to her messages, sending her stupid jokes. She ended up texting Sasha all weekend and managed to learn a few things about her that she made sure to note on her contact page.

Among the information she collected, she discovered Sasha's birthday, her favorite candy, her favorite soccer team, and her favorite animal, which happened to be the turtle. Cameron knew it was silly to feel excited over details like these but she couldn't help it. Every time she saw an incoming text from Sasha or thought about her, she would smile like a goof and snort under her breath to hold back from cracking up.

Her behavior didn't escape Carter's attention and Cameron was growing annoyed by his nosiness and his questions. He didn't have to be aware of who she was texting and about what topic. He didn't need to know about Sasha. She was Cameron's only precious and private acquaintance, and Cameron didn't want her brother to stick his nose in their business. She didn't know what exact business it was about, but she still wanted to preserve the only personal relationship or friendship she entertained.

When came Monday, Cameron met with Vanessa for coffee in the afternoon. She had absolutely no motivation to follow the 'American empire' lecture so she took advantage of her friend's free time to spend some time with her, treat herself with a snack, and go over the events of Vanessa's birthday party.

"Thanks again for your gift. Seriously, you didn't have to get me something so big", Vanessa said with a timid smile.

"You were talking about that hi-fi for so long that I couldn't leave you to suffer. At least I know it will be useful and appreciated."

"I already tried it over the weekend and it's amazing", Vanessa smiled excitedly while clapping her hands rapidly.

"What about your parents? Are you going to celebrate with them?"

"Yes, I'm going home for the weekend. My sister is making the journey as well to have the whole family together."

"Your mom must be so excited to have you both", Cameron said as she imagined Heather already stressing out and running around the house to prepare their arrival.

"I swear, she's texting me every five minutes", Vanessa said chuckling.

"I'm sure you'll have a great time there. It's just a shame you won't be here for the game on Saturday."

"You be careful there, okay? Especially with a specific player."

"What? Why are you telling me this like that?", Cameron asked, confused by her friend's sudden suspicion.

"I don't know, maybe because you went home with Ryan and I never heard from either of you afterwards. All I know from Lupe is that Ryan arrived at the club an hour after everybody else."

Vanessa's revelation left Cameron with a strange feeling. It was clear that Vanessa, and maybe her friends, thought that she had slept with Ryan that night. Based on what Vanessa had just told her and her poor state of clothing when had woken up on Saturday, Cameron realized that the possibility of them having had sex couldn't be excluded. However, she couldn't remember anything. She knew Ryan had come into the apartment with her but the rest was a blur. And Sasha did ask about it as well so she must have had sensed the oddness of the situation.

"Ness, I have no idea of what happened after I left the party", Cameron confessed distressfully as panic started to invade her.

"You don't remember anything?", Vanessa asked in a worried tone.

"I remember him driving me home and taking me all the way to my apartment but that's it. When I woke up I was in my bed in my underwear."

"Do you think he...? No. No way."

"That's what I need to figure out and fast. But you can't tell Carter, alright?", Cameron pleaded.

"Cam, you know I don't lie", Vanessa grimaced a little.

"I'm not asking you to lie, I'm asking you to keep this information to yourself until I discover what truly happened", Cameron reassured her and immediately took her phone out of her pocket.

... 🙈 - Do you have classes?

Cameron - Officially, yes. I'm not going though. How is work?

Cameron - Hey Ryan, how is your schedule today? Could you meet up? It's pretty urgent.

Ryan - Hectic day ahead of me but am free tonight if you want. Is 7pm okay for you?

Cameron - Don't you have soccer practice?

Ryan - It's at 8. Leaves enough time to talk I guess. Unless you needed something else.

Cameron - 7 it is. I can meet you at the stadium.

... 🙈 - Surprisingly quiet. If it was up to me I'd join you for coffee right now.

Cameron - I mean you finish in half an hour so that's doable.

... 🙈 - I really need to go home though.

Cameron - Are you free tonight then?

After convincing Vanessa that she wasn't smiling like an idiot, she told her about her meeting with Ryan and went over the situation with her. Although she knew what questions she needed to ask, Cameron was starting to feel nervous about the answers she might obtain and the possible consequences of each of them. But she needed to stay strong and not display anything.

What could have helped Cameron was to know she would meet up with Sasha right after her conversation with Ryan. However, her blond didn't answer to her text and Cameron had to go confront her emergency situation on her own, terrified of what she might learn.

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