21. Determined

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Cameron was torn between anger and happiness. On the one hand, her situation with her brother was utterly chaotic, Carter not being over Cameron's "betrayal" while Cameron couldn't forgive his hateful behavior towards Ryan. On the other hand, her situation with Sasha was absolutely perfect, although the building frustration of not having properly kissed her was tickling the pit of her stomach.

On top of that, the ambiance within her group of friends was obviously affected by the tensions between Cameron and Carter. The majority of them was on Carter's side, her brother having made everyone believe in his version without even letting Cameron express herself. She wasn't expecting more from the boys since they were solely Carter's friends, but Cameron had thought that London, Lupe and Maria would have at least listened to her and asked her about it. Nothing.

The only person who remained out of this scandal was Vanessa. Although she was still hanging out with the group, Vanessa had never taken anyone's side. Cameron was grateful for that. Contrary to the other girls, Vanessa still talked to Cameron as if nothing had happened. However, she had never asked her a single question or addressed the topic, which was weird from Cameron's perspective.

If Vanessa was still talking to her, it meant that she didn't believe Carter. Or that she did believe him but preferred not using that as an excuse to be mad at Cameron. Or that she simply didn't want to get involved. Either way, Cameron wanted to hear her friend's thoughts about the issue, and also to share her own feelings with her. Therefore, she offered to meet up and got an invitation to Vanessa's place on Thursday evening.

"I brought popcorn", Cameron said while branding the bag excitedly.

"My favorite", Vanessa smiled sheepishly and took hold of it before letting Cameron in. Knowing her way around, Cameron immediately found her spot on the couch and waited for Vanessa to join her.

"How was your day?", Cameron asked kindly as she grabbed her phone to keep it next to her. Just in case.

"Long. This whole week has been busy. I was hoping to relax this weekend but my mother asked me to go home again for their anniversary."

"I'm sorry to hear that", Cameron pursed her lips out of compassion. "I won't stay for long to let you rest, okay?"

"Don't worry about it. You can stay as long as you want, you know that", Vanessa said while sporting a warm smile.

"Ness... I know you'll find it unexpected but... I feel like things have been kinda weird lately. Not only with the group but also between us", Cameron introduced the issue right away but with a lot of caution.

For having known Vanessa her whole life, Cameron could see that something was bothering her. Her face said it all. Her body language was the easiest to read. And if there was one thing that Cameron was sure of, it was that Vanessa wouldn't lie to her.

"Yes, I agree. This week was eventful", Vanessa chose her words meticulously, thing that Cameron didn't like.

"Is there anything you blame me for?", Cameron asked bluntly.

"I think you already know where I disagree with you and why", Vanessa answered calmly, reassuring Cameron with the fact that neither of them wanted to argue.

"Hum... Not really. That's why I asked."

"I'm not here to tell you what to do with your life, Cammie. But you have to admit that it was wrong of you to cover Ryan like that."

"I did nothing else but respect the secret he had trusted me with. How is that wrong?", Cameron asked in lack of understanding.

"Keeping a secret is different from protecting and encouraging this type of lifestyle. If he wants to give himself over to same-sex relationships, that's his choice. But he has no right to involve you into this and you shouldn't have to compromise yourself for his vileness."

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