43. Two options.

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Cameron knew this was a bad idea. She had known it for months but she'd done it anyway. Organizing this trip behind Sasha's back was a mistake that could cost her their relationship, but Cameron was convinced that going to this wedding would turn out to be a great thing for her hot blond.

For Cameron, this wedding was the opportunity for Sasha to discover what having a family felt like, to find a sense of balance, and perhaps to finally forgive and move on. Not forget, because Sasha's life experience had forged her into the incredible person she was, but at least let go of all the anger she was keeping inside. An anger that was tormenting her and hurting her.

Cameron knew she was taking a huge risk, especially with admission letters coming up for Sasha and their relationship growing very strong, but it was a risk she was willing to take if it meant mending her girlfriend's heart. To erase any suspicion, Cameron told Sasha that she was organizing them a romantic weekend getaway for their first Valentine's day.

To make sure Sasha wouldn't figure out the destination, Cameron rented a car that she picked up in the early morning, alone, before going back home to load up. Of course Sasha was asking millions of questions, complaining about the seven hour journey ahead of them, and blurting out every city name to try to guess where Cameron was taking her.

"I didn't even know you had your license", Sasha pointed out.

"Because I never drive. I don't need a car, it's too much work and expense."

"You're gonna get us killed", Sasha nervously said.

"As long as I die by your side, my love", Cameron said in an exaggerated, dramatic tone.

"Are you taking me to Chicago?", the blond asked in a rather excited tone.

"No, but given your enthusiasm I should put it on the list of future holidays destinations."

"You made one?", Sasha asked in surprise.

"Of course. What do you think I do during lectures?", Cameron chuckled.

To avoid being yelled at for not following classes, Cameron told Sasha all about their dream vacations. She'd already established programs for each destination, looked for the best hotels to stay at, did some research about possible cultural activities, and calculated the whole budget for each vacation.

Cameron was so engrossed in telling Sasha about their dream life that she hadn't noticed the blond had fallen asleep. In a sense, Cameron was happy about it. Not only would Sasha remain oblivious concerning their destination, but she would also not ask a thousand questions.

Sasha ended up sleeping for five hours straight. Her fatigue surprised Cameron but she still let her girlfriend get the rest she needed. Cameron knew what was waiting for them, and she knew it would be draining for Sasha. At least the blond had been at peace for a while. All Cameron hoped was that this peace didn't get too disturbed when Sasha discovered what this trip was about.

When they almost made it to the hotel, Cameron was starting to feel nervous and guilty. She could see Sasha playing with her phone, and the blond had already asked her why they were in Minnesotta. The atmosphere had changed completely. Sasha was far from being stupid, and Cameron knew that her death warrant was about to be signed.

Not a word was said between them. Cameron was scared to open her mouth by fear of being told to fuck off. She was forced to talk to the receptionist to let her know who they were and execute the basic actions of politeness. Once Cameron found herself alone with Sasha, she had run out of options. She couldn't hide anymore.

"I made a reservation at a restaurant", Cameron informed her girlfriend to assess her reaction. Given the hardness of her expression, Cameron understood that she was screwed.

"I'm not going", Sasha said as she folded her arms.

"I could-"

"No", Sasha cut her.

"But you don't even-"

"Stop. I don't want to hear it. I really don't want to talk to you right now."

"Babe", Cameron pleaded in a low voice before releasing a deep sigh.

"You had no right to bring me here without my approval", Sasha firmly said.

"I thought it would do you good, that it would help you!"

"I didn't ask for your help, Cam. Especially not for this. Fuck, you know how hard I've been trying to move on."

Seeing her girlfriend so tense and upset was painful for Cameron. The last thing she wanted was to have Sasha hate her for this. All so slowly, Cameron approached Sasha and tried to touch her, only to see the blond stepping back to create some distance between them.

"It came from a good intention, I swear", Cameron said softly to try and ease the tensions.

"It still doesn't make it right. You can't just decide what's best for me and tell me how to handle my family situation. Just because yours refuses to speak to you doesn't mean you have to force me to reconcile with mine."

Sasha's words had the effect of a bomb exploding in her chest. She knew Sasha was right. The fact that none of her relatives had contacted her since their disastrous Christmas holidays was difficult to digest. Cameron had been suffering from this heartbreak so much that she wanted Sasha to know the kind of love her family had given her. The simple thought of this abandon was bringing Cameron to tears, and the wave of emotions hitting her urged her to open the window and light a cigarette.

"Stop smoking or I'm changing rooms", Sasha threatened before taking the cigarette and throwing it out the window.

"What else do you expect me to do? My family disowned me and I acted like a selfish idiot with you. I'm a fuck up. I'm gonna end up alone and miserable with ten cats and a turtle."

"Don't forget that we're meant to share custody of that turtle", Sasha said in a light voice before waving Cameron over, making them sit together on the bed.

"I'm sorry", Cameron sighed and let herself fall backwards to lie down.

"We have two options now", Sasha said as she lay on her side to face Cameron. "Either we turn this trip into an actual romantic getaway, or we go home first thing tomorrow."

"Why are you so nice to me?", Cameron asked in a saddened tone.

"Because I love you", her hot blond answered with a shrug. "And if we're gonna live together we need to learn how to solve this type of situation without yelling or storming out."

"Since I messed up, you decide what we do next. If you don't want to stay here I'll drive us home tomorrow", Cameron compromised.

"Speaking of home, we seriously need to start hunting for an apartment", Sasha reminded her girlfriend before rolling on her back to grab her phone.

Just like that, Sasha had ended their argument and helped Cameron focus back on what truly mattered: their future together. Searching for apartments made Cameron remember that her happiness relied on Sasha, even if her family didn't approve of it. If her relatives couldn't accept their relationship then Cameron should have no room for them in her life, nor should she feel sad about having lost them. Cameron may have had lost her family, but she had found herself thanks to Sasha. Now she was finally at peace with herself and ready to start building something serious with Sasha.

That was if they managed to agree on a location.

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