45. Powerless.

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Cameron was feeling so powerless. Her desire to help was burning her alive, but Sasha always refused to involve her. Of course her hot blond needed her moral support but she was determined to handle this crisis on her own.

Even though she understood and respected her girlfriend's state of mind, and even though she couldn't really express her opinion on the matter, Cameron was still convinced that Nicole needed to be transferred to a different facility. A clinic that Sasha would select herself. Because for all they knew, that psychiatrist had placed Nicole in a shithole.

Therefore Cameron started her own research. It was easy to access information about Nicole's hospital. And it didn't look promising. Comments from a couple of years ago were talking about verbal and physical abuse, misuse of sedative, lack of hygiene, poor professional care, and rotten food served to the patients. Cameron obviously printed that page and kept it aside for later. If Sasha didn't want to listen to her, she'd see for herself.

In Cameron's head, proving that the clinic was the problem wouldn't help Sasha, it would only increase her state of panic and paralyze her. She needed to show Sasha alternative solutions. So she made a list of all the mental institutions of the state, added a short description with the prices, doctors profiles, and a couple of pictures. It was important for Cameron to bring some sense into her girlfriend's mind.

When Cameron came home from uni, Sasha was once again glued to the TV. She understood that her hot blond was desperate and wanted to forget, but she refused to let her give up. That situation was an emergency that needed to be dealt with right now. Otherwise it would be too late.

"Hey baby", Cameron bent over the backrest of the couch and peppered Sasha's face with kisses. "I have something for you", she announced as she walked around the couch to face her girlfriend. Then she grabbed the remote and turned the TV off.

"What are you doing?", Sasha complained.

"Making you listen. I know you're going through difficult times but you can't stay inactive while your mom is being ill-treated. You said you wanted to help her. Well, watching TV all day and moping around hopelessly isn't gonna help her."

"What do you expect me to do, Cam? Dr Schumer is not answering my calls and that facility is the only one in the city capable of treating my mother's condition."

"You have to look further than that", Cameron said in a low voice and took a seat next to her girlfriend.

Without a word, Cameron retrieved her stack of papers and handed it to her hot blond. She looked over Sasha's shoulder while she went through them and assessed her reactions.

"I can't believe you made all that research", Sasha looked at her with a grateful expression, as if realizing just now that it wasn't a lost cause.

"You needed an extra push", Cameron shrugged and smiled at her girlfriend to show her everything would be alright.

"All those clinics are unaffordable though", Sasha said in a saddened tone.

"What if you move in here and use both your mom's allowance and your paycheck to pay for it?", Cameron suggested.

"Which would leave me with nothing. Not even enough money to eat."

"You know my parents still cover for that and-"

"No. I won't take advantage of you like that. I couldn't live with myself", Sasha shook her head to express her refusal.

Cameron had an idea. She already knew that Sasha would murder her on the spot but they were running out of options.

"I think you should contact Jules", Cameron blurted out before overthinking it. The look she received was so frightening that she felt a shiver traveling her spine.

"Why on earth would I call my dad's wife?", Sasha asked in outrage.

"Because you could bank lots of money if you sued that mental facility. Money that you could reinvest in a better hospital for your mom. But for that you need a lawyer that you can't afford."

Cameron knew that dropping this bomb was overwhelming for her girlfriend, family being a delicate topic to bring up. Her hot blond's silence was so heavy that Cameron was starting to stress out. Not a single look, not even a reaction. Sasha gave her nothing, as if she'd been paralyzed. It was unbearable for Cameron. All she wanted was an answer so they could keep looking for solutions.

After five minutes of waiting, Cameron stood up and headed to the kitchen to give Sasha some space. She was starting to feel guilty, even though her idea had come from the best intention. As she prepared some coffee, Cameron retrieved a cigarette from her bag and posted herself at the window, her mind focused on Nicole.

"Call her", Sasha's voice made Cameron gasp in startle.

When she faced her girlfriend, Cameron finally saw determination radiating through her. Her hot blond was ready to join the fight.

"You don't want to do it yourself?", Cameron asked as she dropped her barely started cigarette in the ashtray. Her attention was elsewhere now.

Without a word, Sasha timidly shook her head and looked at Cameron with a pleading expression. Then she took her phone out of her pocket and handed it to Cameron. Without further thought, Cameron went straight to the list of contacts, tapped Jules' name, and brought the device to her ear.

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