38. Lion's den

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The integration process was hard to handle for Sasha. Not only had she no idea of how to behave within a family, she was even less familiar with insular people.

In spite of her ignorance, Sasha tried her best to remain open to discussion and to offer a helping hand whenever she deemed necessary. She could feel that her relationship with Cameron's mother was progressing, as the latter had asked her to call her by her name from now on. Exchanges with the father were rare, him being extremely busy with work and not spending much time with everyone. He'd come back for dinner, watch the news, and go to sleep without notifying anyone.

For a couple of days, Sasha had felt quite comfortable around the house, her girlfriend making sure to include her in every conversation. Cameron had also brought Sasha to the city center for some sightseeing. They couldn't see everything but Cameron had promised to take her to the Christmas market later, which delighted Sasha. However, her enthusiasm was replaced by anxiety when Carter arrived.

Judging from his reaction when he lay his eyes on Sasha, she understood that he hadn't been informed of her presence. He literaly screamed at his parents, demanded that Sasha was sent away, and threatened to boycott Christmas celebrations if she remained in the picture. This tantrum obviously led to a huge fight between Cameron and her brother, Carter once again receiving a taste of Cameron's hand for insulting Sasha. After this event, Sasha seriously considered buying a train ticket and going back home.

She did buy it. As Cameron and Carter were yelling at each other, their mother in the middle, Sasha made herself forgotten and went upstairs to Cameron's room. Knowing her girlfriend wouldn't mind, Sasha switched on her laptop and bought a train ticket to leave the next morning. Then she used Google Maps to look for the fastest route to the train station. Figuring she'd need a taxi, she booked one online and sent the reservations to her mailbox.

Sasha immediately got started on her suitcase. She hadn't brought many clothes since Cameron had planned many outfits for them, so she quickly managed to gather the entirety of her belongings. Once packed up, Sasha left the suitcase next to the door and sat on the bed to wait for Cameron. She had no desire to go downstairs and face all that violence, she preferred staying here to play Subway Surfers.

"Stop following me! Just go to Vanessa's and leave me the fuck alone!", Cameron's angry voice resonated in the hallway. The brunette barged through the door and slammed it behind her with a loud sigh. "I'm gonna murder him", Cameron groaned and threw herself on her pack of cigarettes before posting herself at the window to smoke.

Sasha decided to remain quiet and let Cameron calm down. Given her girlfriend's state, she would probably tear down the place if she heard about Sasha's desire to leave. Sasha obviously needed to let her know, but for her own protection she'd rather wait ten minutes before dropping the bomb.

"What the fuck is that?", Cameron asked while pointing at the suitcase.

"Cam, I can't-"

"No. Hell no. Sasha, you can't be serious", Cameron's voice broke as she hopped off her desk to join Sasha on the bed.

"Do you even realize the chaos I cause in your family?"

"None of this is your fault", Cameron said with a shake of head.

"But you're making an enemy of your family because of me."

"You need to stop blaming yourself for every problem that happens in my life", Cameron said in an amused tone. "You're always in the middle because they attack you to hurt me even more. Of course I'm standing up for you, but I also do it for myself."

"I bought a train ticket for tomorrow", Sasha confessed in a low voice.

"Ask for a refund because I have two tickets with unlimited return. If you truly want to leave you'll have to put up with me."

"You need to spend Christmas with your family", Sasha said softly, not wanting Cameron to think she was pushing her away.

"I want to spend it with you though", Cameron shrugged and kissed Sasha's cheek, showing her who was winning this discussion.

"I guess we could try to stay longer. Just to see how it goes."

"Wrap up warm, we're going out", Cameron announced excitedly and pecked Sasha's lips before jumping up.

Within fifteen minutes, Sasha was happy again. Cameron had stuck to her word and brought her to the Christmas market, leaving Sasha enthralled by the lights and musics. This time she was the one who clung to Cameron and covered her face in kisses. This Christmas market was all she had dreamed about her whole life, and she was overjoyed to share this moment with Cameron.

Sasha stopped at every single booth. She tasted many varieties of chocolate, tried mulled wine for the first time, entered a gingerbread house contest - that she lost - and bought cotton candy to share with Cameron. After their sugar break, Sasha was determined to buy Cameron a small piece of jewelry. After three unsuccessful booths, Sasha finally found one. A simple blue friendship bracelet with a silver monkey.

"Now I'm forced to give you something", Cameron said as she admired her little monkey.

"Okay, give me a kiss", Sasha held her cheek out to her.

"I meant a gift, dummy", Cameron giggled but kissed her anyway.

"What if I got the same one for myself?", Sasha offered and reached for another blue bracelet with a monkey.

Without further thinking, Cameron paid for the bracelet and tied it around Sasha's wrist. Then they continued their stroll, picked up random items, tried on the most ridiculous Christmas hats, took selfies, and even had a stranger photograph them kissing in front of the main Christmas tree. It felt so liberating for Sasha to enjoy Cameron's presence in plain sight, to act as a normal young couple in love, and to laugh at the most childish jokes.

Not wanting this moment to end, Sasha sheepishly asked Cameron that they stayed in town for dinner. She knew it may have sounded egotistical, but Sasha wanted to embrace each second in Cameron's company before they'd need to go back into the lion's den.

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