25. Does it hurt?

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The second Carter was out to head to soccer practice, Cameron started running around the apartment to prepare everything before Sasha's arrival. They had until 9pm. Past this time, they'd have to stay locked in Cameron's room until the morning.

Not being on speaking terms with Carter would make the task of hiding Sasha easier since the chances of him barging in Cameron's room or requesting her continuous presence were non-existent. On top of that, Carter would be tired after his training so it would take him no longer than twenty minutes to eat and go to bed. That would put less pressure on the girls' shoulders. They'd just have to play a movie and whisper to remain discreet.

As planned, Cameron texted Sasha to let her know the field was clear and unlocked the door to allow Sasha to come in directly. Cameron made use of the spare time to start boiling water and set the table. It would be her first time eating so early but she wanted Sasha to eat properly as she knew the blond had spent a rough day between her work in the morning and her appointment with the lawyer in the afternoon. For that reason, Cameron thought that a big plate of pasta would warm her up and fill her stomach correctly.

... 🙈 - Can I come in?

Instead of texting her back, Cameron ran to the door and swung it open excitedly, impatient to see Sasha for the first time in four days. However, she became disillusionned when she saw the state of Sasha's face, her lip busted and swollen, and her eyes bearing the marks of her fatigue. And even then, Sasha managed to grin at her and to grant her the warmest look.

"What the fuck, Sasha", Cameron mumbled as she let her in, her whole body aching in worry.

"I'd kiss you but it hurts", Sasha grimaced apologetically and took off her coat. When Cameron saw that she was about to hang it on the coat rail, she immediately stopped her. Even though it was technically hers, she didn't want to take any risk.

"Nope! In my room", she instructed while pointing in the direction of the hallway.

"Oops", Sasha hugged the coat against herself and took off.

With a smile, Cameron went back to the kitchen to put the pasta to cook while waiting for Sasha to come back. Although the blond looked in a bad shape, Cameron was feeling so happy to share another night in her company. Their whole relationship was evolving in a great way, and Cameron had the impression that they were both getting more and more comfortable around each other.

"Thanks for doing this, Cam", Sasha's soft voice said from behind her.

"Are you kidding? I'm happy to have you", Cameron said enthusiastically while stirring her pasta. She didn't want them to stick to the pan.

"If you ever feel like this is too much or too risky for you I'll go, okay? I don't want to put you in a delicate position."

"No, don't go", Cameron whined and pouted to herself.

"I'll be super quiet. Even you'll wonder if I'm around."

"You have two hours to be as loud as you want", Cameron informed her.

"Can I help with anything?", Sasha asked kindly.

"Just make yourself comfortable and talk to me."

And she did. She told Cameron all about the last few days. She explained everything concerning the divorce papers. She insisted a lot on that promise she had made the lawyer about her mother's consent and wishes. But she also shared her worries, and Cameron felt privileged and flattered while listening to Sasha's problems and questions. She felt grateful for the immense trust Sasha was putting in her, and she tried her best to listen to her carefully and give her honest answers.

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