35. Secret weapon

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Ever since they had left her apartment, Cameron hadn't let go of Sasha's hand. Not even to get in her mother's car. She simply climbed in the back with Sasha and let her mother take them wherever she wanted. All that mattered for Cameron was to be by Sasha's side and to keep her there.

She got really surprised when they parked in front of a restaurant, but she didn't make any comment and followed her mother inside. She wanted to smoke really bad but she didn't want to leave Sasha alone with her mother. Just in case. The last thing Cameron needed was to have her mother hitting Sasha with hurtful and homophobic words.

After informing the waitress that they wanted to brunch, they were led to a table by the window. Out of courtesy, Cameron let Sasha choose her seat and eventually sat down next to her, in front of her mother. She found it funny how Sasha trapped herself against the window, but at least she'd get to watch the passerbys if she felt too bored or annoyed.

"Treat yourselves. I'm inviting you both", her mother said with a small smile as she grabbed her menu.

"It's very kind but I don't really feel comfortable with that", Sasha said uneasily and looked at Cameron, silently begging her for help.

"I insist", her mother said firmly, not even leaving them the choice.

"Thanks, Mom. It means a lot", Cameron said softly and went through her menu as well.

She was honestly starving and the options they had looked delicious. She would definitely order something with chocolate. A stack of pancakes for instance with some red berries and chocolate syrup. She could get a detox smoothie to balance it out a little, and a coffee to drink afterwards. Her mouth was watering already.

"So", her mother cleared her throat and put her menu down. "What degree do you specialize in, Sasha?"

"I don't go to college. I work", her blonde beauty answered with her attention divided between the menu and her mother.

"Oh. Why's that? I mean, have you finished university already?"

"I've never had the chance to get to university", Sasha clarified with a tight smile, making Cameron want to cry.

With that brilliant brain of hers, Sasha could have accomplished amazing things in college. She found it so unfair that her hot blond had to sacrifice her whole life and potential like that. She understood it, but she couldn't get over it. Cameron would give anything to see Sasha have the chance to pursue a degree she enjoyed.

"You could apply for next year", Cameron suggested in a small voice but was met with a skeptic look.

"You know I can't", Sasha muttered sadly before looking down.

"Just think about it. And if that's something you really want to do we'll find a way to make it happen. I'll help you", she said softly and bent forward to peck her shoulder.

"What do you work in then?", asked her mother.

"Retail", was the only answer Sasha gave her before the waitress came to take their orders.

As planned, Cameron ordered her two drinks and pancakes and observed Sasha, curious to see what she'd get. Her blond beauty had great tastes when it came to food, and Cameron always took pleasure in trying what would lay in her plate. But this time her girlfriend only ordered a tea and a croissant. Nothing more. She knew Sasha though, and it pained her a lot to see her so shy and restrained. Her nerves were eating her alive.

"I'm going for a smoke", Cameron announced and stood up to start putting her coat.

"And it can't wait until we're done eating?", her mother asked rhetorically.

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