15. Late walk

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As her friends were all cheering and screaming from the top of their lungs, Cameron was simply observing the players moving around the field and running after the ball while her head was replaying her night with Sasha.

To say that this dinner had been great would be an understatement for Cameron, her interest and admiration for Sasha having had multiplied by at least ten by the end of it. She couldn't stop thinking about Sasha's bravery, her courage, her strength, her selflessness, and her determination. Cameron knew that she was far from understanding Sasha's daily struggles, but her hot blond was a force to be reckoned with. She deserved all the existing prizes and awards.

When Cameron mentally listed all the constraints Sasha needed to face, she almost couldn't believe it. And in spite of the risks she was exposing herself to, she kept on moving forward, she kept on working hard to provide for herself and kept on handling her mother's resources and well-being. A few times, Cameron wondered if she would have been able to equal Sasha's heart if she were in a similar situation, and she concluded that Sasha was unique and absolutely heroic.

How could I not like her?, thought Cameron.

This thought also made Cameron angry. Angry at all those idiotic boys and girls who had turned their backs to Sasha, preferring to abase her for having a sick mother instead of supporting her in her journey. For Cameron, the fact that Sasha's mother was mentally ill didn't change anything. Of course it allowed her to understand Sasha better, but it also made the blond even more attractive and endearing.

Cameron only wanted to punch the people who had treated Sasha like shit and cut their tongues into slices to teach them. Sasha wasn't sick, her mom was, and Cameron promised herself that she would defend Sasha body and soul if anyone dared attack her. All Sasha deserved was to be hugged and protected at all cost, and Cameron would gladly volunteer for that mission.

A sudden wave of roars and claps startled Cameron and made her focus back on her surroundings. She noticed that she was the only one sitting down so she stood up and started applauding. Cameron saw Carter celebrating, which meant that she had missed the goal and would go through hell for it. She already said goodbye to a peaceful night of sleep and prepared herself for a couple of days of having Carter sulking around.

Luckily, they all offered to go out to celebrate the victory. While the boys showered, Cameron and her friends decided on a bar where they would have dinner and enjoy some music as well. In order not to ruin the night, the first thing Cameron did when Carter came back was to jump on him and congratulate him for his game and his goal, which was surprisingly enough to content him.

"I see you're feeling better", Cameron was startled by a grave voice and a hand on her back, which only turned out to be Ryan.

"Much better. I'm happy I didn't miss the game, it was really nice", she smiled and started walking next to him to follow the group.

"How was your week?", Ryan asked nicely.

"It was great. What about yours?"

"Kind of busy. I had to finish an essay so I didn't get much sleep", he chuckled.

"What's your major again?", Cameron asked blankly.

"Neurology with a psychology minor", he answered completely casually, making Cameron's eyes bulge in frighten. The name of the degree itself was sounding too hard for an average human being like her.

As they reached the parking lot, Ryan offered Cameron, Carter, Lupe and Maria to ride with him so the girls squeezed in the back and let Carter at the front. Even though the drive only lasted ten minutes, they were ten minutes of hell. The girls wouldn't stop whispering about Ryan, trying to obtain any juicy detail and teasing Cameron about their supposed hookup. What bothered Cameron the most was that she had repeated countless of times that she wasn't interested in Ryan, that they were friends, and that nothing had ever happened, but they never listened.

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