31. Can't understand us

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If Cameron had to make a wish, it would be to remain in this same position, this same situation, forever. With her fingers randomly gliding through Sasha's back. With her gorgeous lover sleeping next to her and looking like an angel. With her heart and mind enchanted by the magnificent moment they had shared.

If Cameron had to make a second wish, it would be to be able to love Sasha unconditionally and indefinitely. To prove her everyday that she was a beautiful person who deserved all the best things life had to offer. To demonstrate her that she was worth it. Although Cameron knew feelings couldn't be controled, she truly wanted her feelings to keep growing and developing so that she could stay with Sasha for a very long time.

If Cameron'd had to make a third wish, it would've been to have Sasha waking up anytime soon and smiling at her. However, Sasha didn't wake up with a smile on her face. She woke up with a jump. A shocked expression. A loud gasp. She woke up from the sound of Cameron's door hitting the wall from the fierceness of Carter's blow.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?", Cameron exclaimed angrily as she held the sheet over her chest.

"You gotta be kidding me", Carter scoffed and looked back and forth between the two girls, analyzing the situation in front of him.

"Get out, Carter. You have a party to attend and we'd like to get some rest."

"A whore. That's what you are. A fucking whore!", Carter exploded as he approached Cameron.

"Step back", Sasha requested but Cameron didn't want her to get in the middle. If her brother had a problem, he'd have to deal with her without risking to hurt Sasha.

"Let me handle this", she whispered before turning to her brother. "Wait for me outside", she instructed firmly.

"I'm not going anywhere until that carpet muncher is out of my house and away from you!", Carter shouted furiously.

"She's not going anywhere either. I live here and I want her here. If you're not happy with that, you know where the door is."

"Cam, I should probably go", Sasha said sheepishly and started to wiggle to look for her clothes.

"I want her out in five minutes, Cameron. You and I are gonna have a talk", Carter spat before exiting the room in fury, slamming the door behind him.

Her heart was threatening to burst from how fast it was beating. The mixture of stress and anger was making her blood boil. The only thing she wanted was to strangle Carter for having insulted Sasha and violated their privacy like that. She jumped out of bed without minding her nakedness, slipped on her underpants and Sasha's sweatshirt, and tied her hair in a messy bun to get ready for combat.

"I'm so sorry Cameron", said Sasha before sniffing loud enough for Cameron to hear and turn around, and her heart instantly broke at the sight of Sasha's tears.

"You don't have anything to apologize for, okay?", she reassured her as she approached Sasha quickly, her hands instinctively reaching for her wet cheeks.

"I never wanted to put you in such a difficult position", Sasha said shakily.

"I know. None of this is your fault, Sasha. It's not your fault if they can't understand us."

"It was a bad idea to bring me here", Sasha muttered sadly.

"No it wasn't", Cameron retorted with a firm shake of head. "I had the most amazing time with you. What happened was beautiful and I don't regret any second of it."

"Really?", Sasha whispered weakly.

"Really", Cameron smiled brightly in confirmation and wiped her lover's cheeks gently in order not to hurt her. "Now you're gonna dry those tears while I take care of my brother. And when I come back, I'm gonna show you how great an idea it was to bring you over."

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