11. Preferred twin

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Cameron sighed frustratingly as she noticed that her pack was empty. She had smoked so much on her way to the stadium and while waiting that she ended up having no more escape. She just had to wait and deal with the anxiousness.

Sasha's radio silence was not helping Cameron's nervous state, a million questions and assumptions floating through her mind. She thought that perhaps Sasha had plans already, or that her mother was still sick, or that she had to do extra-hours at work, or that she was thinking about her offer, or that she simply didn't want to talk to her, let alone see her. This last thought was scaring Cameron out, her growing interest in Sasha making it painful to imagine the blond not reciprocating these intriguing feelings.

To help with her stress and make time go faster, Cameron decided to text Vanessa. Her best friend was always available, very responsive to her calls for help, and always found the right words to comfort and reassure Cameron. For instance, Cameron shared her worry concerning the answers she might get and their veracity. Only Ryan knew what had happened in that bedroom, and he could totally lie about it if he wanted. No one could know or question his word.

When Cameron saw Ryan coming from afar, she took a deep breath and tried to release her building tension to avoid assaulting him and torturing him. She needed to be calm, collected, mature, and to play it cool.

"Hey Cam", Ryan smiled brightly and gave her a quick hug that Cameron didn't reciprocate.

"Hey, thanks for coming. I really appreciate that."

"No worries. You said it was an emergency so", he shrugged nonchalantly, still sporting a smile that Cameron didn't know how to interpret.

"Yeah... I just wanted to ask about Friday night", Cameron announced frankly, not wanting to beat around the bush.

"What about it?", Ryan asked while knitting his eyebrows in confusion.

"You drove me home but I don't remember anything from there."

"Considering how much you drank I'm not really surprised", he chuckled.

"Did anything happen at my house?", she asked bluntly.

"Other than you puking all over yourself and drunk calling every contact of your list, no", he answered, still amused by the conversation.

"So we didn't have sex?", she blurted out, trying to push the topic further. What she had never expected was to be laughed to her face.

"Oh man", Ryan said trying to catch his breath.

"That's not funny. I woke up half naked in my bed without remembering anything."

"I get that it must feel scary but nothing happened", Ryan said as his laughter crisis slowly faded.

"Did you take my clothes off?", Cameron asked.

"Yeah and I put them in the washing machine because they reeked of vomit."

"I'm sorry but I find hard to believe that absolutely nothing else happened", Cameron said in a suspicious tone.

"Cam, you're a gorgeous girl. I like you as a person and all, I think you and I could be good friends, but I'm not into you. At all."

"You're not?", Cameron asked in shock, making Ryan giggle.

"Let's just say that you're not my preferred twin", he looked at Cameron meaningfully, and she was literally left flabbergasted.

"So you're gay and crushing on my brother?", she asked in disbelief and was immediately shushed by Ryan.

"You should say it louder for the people in the back", he said irritatingly.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to... disrespect you."

"No one knows in the team yet. I want to test the waters for a while to make sure all the guys are cool with that."

"Yeah, no, of course. That's your thing. You handle it your way. You know better. I'll be a tumb", Cameron reeled off.

"So... Are we cool?", Ryan asked with a hopeful smile.

"Totally. I'm just relieved we had that talk."

"Carter and the girls are convinced I'm into you though so we might have to hang out during parties to get them off my back."

"I have the same problem so we're definitely gonna help each other", Cameron laughed and felt a lot of weight leaving her shoulders.

"See? I told you we'd become good friends."

"We're heading in the right direction", Cameron nodded.

"Your brother's here", Ryan said in a low discreet voice so Cameron spun around. Indeed, Carter was here.

"What are you doing here?", he asked Cameron in a confused tone.

"I had to talk to Ryan but I was about to leave", she answered truthfully.

"You two are getting along well I see", Carter said with a smirk that Cameron knew too well.

"We do, yes", Cameron confirmed shamelessly.

"That's good. It's about time you hang out with nice guys. That Zachary was a weirdo."

"I can't disagree with that", Cameron rolled her eyes at the thought of Zachary and felt grateful for not having run into him in a while, to her biggest pleasure.

"I need to go get changed though so I'll see you later", Carter dismissed himself and kissed Cameron's head before walking away towards the entrance.

"I should go as well. Unless you need anything else", Ryan said kindly.

"Yeah, you go. Don't make yourself late."

"Alright then. Text me if you need more details about our night of passion", he teased and left without further due.

This outcome was not featuring in Cameron's list but it turned out to be even more satisfying and lightening than she had thought. Not only was she free from all anxiousness, but she also found a future friend who was already trusting her enough to disclose such a private confession. Learning about Ryan's homosexuality rang a tiny bell in Cameron's head and heart. A bell that screamed Sasha and made Cameron realize that she needed to investigate her questionings.

As if on cue, Cameron finally received an answer from her hot blond and felt a wave of disappointment invading her. However, two details stroke her. First, it was clear that Sasha wanted to say yes but was held back by an intricate situation, which in itself was worrying Cameron. Then, the fact that Sasha would have the store to herself on Wednesday spread warmth in Cameron's chest and gave her hope.

Cameron - Hectic how? Are you okay?
Cameron - Wednesday it is then.

... 🙈 - I've been better tbh but it will pass.

Cameron - You wanna talk about it?

... 🙈 - Maybe later.

Cameron - Alright.. I'm here though. Just in case.

... 🙈 - Thanks that means a lot

Cameron didn't know what to think of it. She barely knew Sasha but she was already fond of her. She spent very little time with her but she had already noticed her fatigue and tired traits. The few moments they had shared had felt simple and pleasant, and Sasha's presence had been soothing. There was something about the blond that made Cameron want to go back for more.

Knowing that Sasha would be alone in the store for a full day was a situation that Cameron wanted to take advantage of but didn't know how. She definitely planned on visiting her at the store but she was trying to determine when would be a good moment for that and if she wouldn't just prevent Sasha from doing her job by going.

One thing was sure. If Cameron wanted to spend Wednesday out of uni, she would have to handle a full day of classes beforehand, which would go through spending hours with Zachary.

Anything for Sasha.

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