47. Life choices.

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As Cameron's fingers randomly glided through Sasha's blond strands, she couldn't prevent the tears from falling. Even though she was trying to be strong for Sasha, this whole situation was touching her more than she'd thought it would.

Cameron was thinking about her mother. She was wondering how a strong bond like theirs could have been destroyed just because of her brother's narrow-mindedness. She was remembering all the times when her mother had come to her rescue, the exact same way Jules was doing with Sasha. She was missing her mother so much that Jules' gentleness toward Sasha was bringing up all her buried sadness.

On the other hand, Cameron was thankful. Even though her hot blond was still unyielding, Cameron knew the importance of family. She knew that Sasha tremendously needed to be surrounded by trustworthy and supportive people. And the help that Jules could provide was the opportunity for Sasha to finally live, not just survive anymore.

"Cam", she heard Sasha mumble as her hot blond shifted to nuzzle her neck.

"Hey", Cameron whispered and held her girlfriend against her to let her slowly wake up.

"Why are you crying?", Sasha asked in a low voice before she dropped a light kiss on Cameron's neck.

"It's nothing. It's stupid", Cameron said to try and reassure her.

"Can't be more stupid than my pigheadedness", Sasha raised her head to look at Cameron's flushed face. "Talk to me", she whispered.

"I miss my mom, Sasha. I really do. I tried to push the feeling away and to convince myself that it was for the best but... the truth is, I need her in my life. But I lost her and I don't know who to blame for it, me or my brother."

"Did you try to call her?", Sasha asked as she gently wiped Cameron's cheeks.

"I'm scared", Cameron confessed in a weak voice. "I mean, she clearly doesn't want to speak to me anymore. If I call she'll reject me again and I won't handle it well."

"We can make a deal", Sasha offered, "If you can find the courage to call your mom and tell her what's weighing on your heart, I'll be as brave as you and say yes."

The look on Sasha's face was different, even more intense and hopeful. As she studied her girlfriend, Cameron could see their future, their happiness, their freedom. She understood that Sasha had finally made her decision and that their life together was starting now. There was no more obstacle, no more worry, no more battle.

"Really? You choose the money?", Cameron asked in a trembling tone, her emotion getting the best of her.

"I choose you. I choose us", Sasha answered in a whisper.

Cameron's reflex was to smother her hot blond and cover her face with kisses. The happiness of the moment made Cameron want to scream. Instead, she unwinded by squeezing Sasha to death and talking non stop about the decoration of their future apartment.

When Sasha got out of bed to go get ready in the bathroom, Cameron posted herself at her window and lit a cigarette to ease her nerves. She opened her mother's contact page and remained unmoving for a good five minutes, just thinking about what she could say. After lighting a second cigarette, Cameron pressed the number and tried to regulate her breathing. Each new ring was breaking her heart a little more, until a familiar 'Hello' resonated in her ears and mended all her deepest wounds.

"Cammie, is that you? Are you here?", her mother asked in a hushed voice.

"Good morning", she said politely. "I hope it's not too early to call."

"Not at all, I'm already at the office."

"Oh, okay. I just... I wanted to hear your voice and see how you were doing", Cameron took a deep breath to keep her composure and glanced toward the door as Sasha came back into the room.

"What took you so long, honey?", her mother asked in a saddened tone.

"I thought you didn't want to talk to me anymore after what happened at Christmas", Cameron answered frankly before retrieving another cigarette from her pack, not without receiving a glare from Sasha.

"I know I've been distant but it was only to try and appease the tensions at home."

"What tensions?", Cameron asked between two puffs.

"Let's just say that your father and I are not on the same page, and your brother hasn't made it easier on us."

"So I basically destroyed the family, is that what you're saying?", Cameron was hit by a heavy silence that was only disturbed by her mother's sigh.

"Please, try to be more empathetic", her mother said, making Cameron scoff in disbelief. "Your dad and your brother are both standing their ground because they don't understand you, nothing more."

"But they didn't even try", Cameron said in outrage.

"I think they need time to process your life choices."

"They'll never process, then. Because if they need time to deal with my sexuality and accept Sasha, then they'll need even more time when they know I'm gonna move in with her. Every step I'm gonna take to build my future with Sasha will only drive them away even more."

"Sweetie, it's not that easy", her mother was clearly trying to bring her back to reason, but Cameron wasn't insane. She was right.

"It's pretty simple, actually. You were talking about life choices. Well, disowning me was their choice. You chose to ignore me and implicitly take their side. If it's all about choices then I can't see why they wouldn't choose our family. But since everyone is only thinking about themselves, I'm gonna do the same. I'm gonna be selfish and I'm gonna choose myself, even if our family has to pay the price for it."

"I've always been on your side, Cameron. From the very beginning. But you're not the only person I need to fight for. Even if I disagree with your father, he's still my husband, and your brother is still my son. I can't take a stance when I risk losing the most important people in my life."

"I understand...", Cameron sighed sadly and closed her window.

Out of nowhere, Cameron felt her phone being taken from her. She looked at Sasha, agape, as her hot blond put the phone on speaker and stood between her legs.

"Good morning, Mrs Morgan. It's Sasha speaking. I don't mean to meddle in your family affairs but I think you need to know that Cameron hasn't been the same. She lost her marks in this world and her eyes don't shine the way they used to. When she smiles she looks distant, as if nothing could really bring her joy anymore. Of course she tried to convince me many times that she was okay but the truth is, she misses her mom. And I know that you're probably in the most delicate position right now, but I'm gonna ask a single thing from you. Don't give up on her. Because if there's one person on this planet who's worth fighting for, it's her."

Sasha immediately hung up and set the phone on the desk, leaving Cameron in shock and moved to tears. She engulfed her hot blond in a tight embrace to show her gratitude and express her deep love for her. What Sasha had done was beyond ballsy, overcoming her shyness to defend Cameron against her mother. She had to admit that she was proud of her hot blond.

However, Cameron realized the meaning of Sasha's intervention. The latter was finally ready. Ready to fight by her side, to let down her guard, and to let go of all her burdens. They were finally on the same page, both of them ready to take on the world and have a good run together.

They were ready to fly.

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