CHAPTER 4 || Mr.George ||

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Alice was waiting outside the palace, leaning to a tree with her hands folded. Anna came out through the huge wooden doors and Alice immediately asked,

"What did he say?"

"I apologised and he simply nodded"

There was silence and Alice looked into Anna's amber eyes and said,

"You didn't apologise, did you?"

Anna looked at Alice and smirked.

"Thought so", Alice said.

Anna immediately said,

"What did you tell the prince?"

Anna was looking at her shoes, just like she did in the courtroom and Alice said,

"The exact words, Anna"

Anna raised her head to the level of Alice's and said,

"I said, 'My friend asked me to apologise to you' "

"What did he then say?"

"He said, 'Oh...' and then since I didn't say anything, he again tried to make me talk by saying, 'Fine...' but then I got up and told him that I will make a leave".


"And while I was going out, he said, 'You didn't apologise to me?'
Then I said, 'I don't apologise to a person with no wrong of mine' "

Alice was quiet while they were walking and Anna was thinking as to why Alice didn't say anything and she asked,

"How come you aren't saying anything about me not apologising?"

"Because he would have gotten to know by now that you are sorry"

"But I didn't even tell him"

"I knew you would do something like this and I wrote a sorry note with your name at the end and put it in the fruit basket"



"I am sorry about what
happen yesterday morning.
I hope that you will accept my
apologies, sir.

Dylan was holding the paper in his hands and Bradley said,

"Maybe she is really sorry, Dylan"

"Oh come on Brad, I bet even this was written by her friend"

"But how can you judge that"

"Seeing the way she spoke to me"

"But why did your mother ask you to stay away from the commoners?"

Dylan picked a pear from the fruit basket given by Anna. He went and sat on the chair in front of of Bradley. He took a bite and said,

"She has always had this suspicious attitude"

"So you can't come to the market today?"

"Of course I can come"

"But didn't your mother just say...."

"Just forget it. Not like I follow everything she tells me"

After this, both of them headed to the market and Bradley wanted to meet his "True Love", probably the fourth one to be more precise. She was Julia. They approached the place where Julia said she would meet them and they were waiting there. Of course, Dylan had his disguise on-Dark brown hat that was big, whose shadow nearly covered his face. He also wore a black coat as a part of his disguise and to add on an artificial moustache.

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