Chapter 16 || Bonfire ||

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Dear Anna,
I hope you are doing all right.
I have written this letter to let you know that Alice and I will be back to Amber Cove tomorrow as the wedding dress is ready before expected.
Also, we will be able to attend the Bonfire tomorrow.
Please do go early to the Bonfire without having to wait for us.
We will join you later on.
Eager to see you after an entire week.

Anna jumped with happiness when she read this letter. She was already joyful and excited because tomorrow, there was a bonfire in Amber Cove.

Also, she was a bit sad that Alice and Ella won't be able to join her but now that even that was off her head, all she now had to do were preparations to attend tomorrow's gathering. She went to her cupboard and opened it. There was a huge pile of clothes. She took the entire pile and put it on the floor. She wanted to decide the dress she would wear for the bonfire.

She found the perfect dress and kept it aside. She then picked up the pile of clothes off the ground and stuffed it back into the cupboard and closed it.

Bonfires were a yearly event of Amber Cove. It was held once a year before winter. They were held by the people to celebrate the coming of Christmas, even though Christmas would come only after around a month. People also got eatables like corn, potatoes and bacon to cook over the fire and eat. It was not very extravagant but it definitely did have lots of fun and was definitely enjoyable.

There is a pyre of firewood lit up. There would be benches too laid out in front of the fire for people to sit. Also, as part of the event, people would also dance around the flame.

The next day

Anna has taken her dress to Julia's house so that both of them could get ready and attend the bonfire together.

Julia had already got dressed and she helped Anna to get ready. Julia laced Anna's corset around her waist. On top of it, a silk gown was worn and it was blue in colour and also, it was adorned with white lace details. At last, Anna tied her hair into an elegant bun and slid her delicate feet into her shoes.

Both of them headed to the bonfire. Everyone was already gathered there and Anna said,

"Go look for Bradley".

Julia smiled and lifted her heavy gown by a little, with both hands so that she could walk and she started looking for Bradley. Anna made her way to an empty bench in front of the fire. It was dark and people were dancing around the fire already. She could feel the vicinity of a person next to her and even without looking, she knew who he was. He said,

"Hey, Anna!"

She turned towards Dylan. His hazel eyes were glowing with the light of the fire. He was dressed in a very charming way. His black hair was dressed in a perfect way which made him look more handsome than he already was. He wore dark blue breeches, a dark blue coat with a white shirt which had beautiful ruffles. Anna couldn't take her eyes off him when he said,


Anna then snapped out and said,

"Yes, hey!"

Dylan smiled at her and Anna said,

"You are looking good today".

"You too are looking ridiculously beautiful today".

Anna could feel her cheeks warm up as she was blushing and a small smile curved at the corner of those pretty lips. She tried to hide her expressions but failed to do so. In order to divert the topic, Anna said,

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