CHAPTER 5 ||Arrival ||

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A fine morning where the birds were chirping and Dylan was woken up from his dreamy sleep with the sound of people running about here and there. Dylan put his feet off the bed on the ground and walked out of his room to check who was that. He could see no one in the passage while he saw his mother and her maid, Agatha talking to each other in the dining area and before he could be noticed by Clarissa, he tried to walk away but he heard a voice,


He walked in and saw that the dining area was not like before. It had every corner of it dusted and not a speck of dust could be spotted. The dining table in the middle of the room was put out in an elegant manner with red sheets and white glass plates and glasses were kept on it. He even observed that his mother was dressed not like usual and so was Agatha. Clarissa said,

"Get dressed quick"

"But why are you in such a hurry and what are these arrangements for?"

"Princess  Eleanor from the other kingdom is coming here for lunch"

"What? Another princess? Mother, no!"

"Dylan, you should get married soon and without further talking, just go get dressed"

Dylan stormed away from there and went into his room. This was perhaps the third match she is trying in this month alone. All that she looked for in the girl was that she was suppose to be a royal, her wealth was to be abundant and her looks were to be all glittery. He always felt that beauty always was a reflection of what a person was within. That's one reason Dylan probably didn't like her. More than extravagant clothes and perfume, he preferred a kind-hearted soul and more than hands covered with expensive white gloves, hands that had gotten dirty while helping someone. And he wanted to know the girl he had to marry from within and not just by her external appearance.

Dylan got dressed in black trousers, a white shirt, a blue coat that went until just above his knee and a necktie. He went down to the dining hall again and Agatha said,

"You need to wait for the princess to arrive, your majesty"

Dylan went from the dining area to the living area just in front of the door and took a seat on the chair there.

The living area was beautifully adorned with marble sculptures, heavy curtains, pillars with carvings and what added to its beauty was the water fountain in the middle of the room. It too was made with marble and in its middle, it had the emblem of Amber Cove.

The princess had arrived and she was escorted into the palace by  Clarissa herself and Dylan went near the door to greet the princess. Dylan took Eleanor's hand in grand white gloves and kissed it. Of course, he could, without doubt, tell that she was overdressed with all that extra lace on her gown and the huge accessory she wore in her hair. Dylan said to Eleanor,

"I am Dylan, Dylan Anthony Roberts"

"I am Eleanor, Eleanor Charles Brown"

They led their way into the dining hall where Eleanor was once more welcomed by another person-Bradley. After Eleanor went, Bradley gave a quick glance at Dylan as though he got to know what Dylan had in mind about her. Dylan took a seat next to Bradley and Eleanor. Clarissa was sitting next to Eleanor and there were two vacant chairs at the grand table-one next to Bradley while to other next to the Queen. The Queen started by saying,

"The king is yet to arrive along with our very close friend, Lincoln who is also the general of our kingdom"

"No problem, your Highness"

Clarissa gave a smile and took Eleanor's hand and said,

"Clarissa will do, dear"

Eleanor just smiled and Dylan was, of course, having this morose look on his face and Bradley was talking to him. The king and Lincoln came in and took their seats. The king sat right in front of Eleanor and said, "Glad to see you, Eleanor"

"The pleasure is mine, majesty"

The king smiled at her and took a glance at Dylan's face. Dylan was looking at his empty plate with the spoon in his hand. The servants got the dishes onto the table and a bowl of pea soup with bacon was kept in front of them. They finished off lunch with the delicious raspberry tart and right when Dylan got up, Clarissa said,

"Dylan, why don't you take Eleanor through our palace?"

Dylan was extremely annoyed with this and since he had to do so, Eleanor and he went through the palace together. They went into the hall where the portraits of the past kings were put. The hall was huge and most of it wasn't full of portraits. Eleanor said,
"Where is your portrait?"

"I don't have a portrait."

"Perhaps they are going to make a portrait of us once we are married"

Dylan seemed to look as though he didn't hear that but in mind, he imagined him telling her that there was NO chance of him getting married to her. Time soon passed and Eleanor soon made a leave. Dylan went into his chamber and locked the door. He went and stood near the window and breathed the fresh air. He heard a knock on the door and Dylan went and opened it to see his father-Richard.

"Come in, father"

Richard went and sat on the chair while Dylan sat in front of him, on the cot.

" didn't like Eleanor, did you"

"That might be a yes, father"

Richard smiled and said,
"I myself didn't like her"

"But why is mother this way, father? She always sees money over character"

"She has always been this way since the time I met her"

"She forbids me to even go into the market and I have to hide from her and go. She doesn't like me to even talk to the common folks and the other day, a countryside girl came here to speak to me and she almost warned me not to go with the commoners"

Richard kept his silence and a servant came near the door and said,
"Your majesty, sire Lincoln wishes to meet you"

Richard rose from his seat and went away while Dylan was left alone in the room when he heard a voice from outside his chamber say,

"Let's go to the market, shall we?"
Hey there!
So that's all I have for you today. I will see you next Friday(Probably😅) and
Until then...❤️❤️


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