The Quater Quell

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So there has been a bit of a time skip here. To about two years into the future, where if you couldn't guess by the title is when the Quarter Quell occurs. Y/N is now 17. Her and Finnick still remain best friends (just waittttttt). Annie and Finnicks relationship is basically non- exsistant. I mean sure they know each other. But like that's kinda it. They aren't sweethearts, nor are they enemies, they just exist with one another's presence. 


Today was the reaping for the annual hunger games. The 75th to be exact. This game had been described as the 'quarter quell,' and president Snow said he had something special to announce for this years game. 

We all sat patiently in my living room waiting for the news. The TV was showing nothing until Snow was ready for his speech. 

I sat on the sofa, eagerly waiting for the news. I've never endorsed the games, but I was anxious for what the Capitol had up it's sleeve. They never use the games to intend to go easy on us. 

My sister sits in front of me on the floor, she's fourteen now, she thinks herself too old to be scared of these things, so she sits trying to act nonchalant. But I can feel her heart beating against my legs. 

My grandmother sits to the left of me, holding onto my hand, worried what the President may call for. 

Finnick stands behind the sofa. Two hands placed on it. One behind my grandmother and the other behind myself. He's not trying to hide the fact that he is anxious. 

It had been two years since I had been crowned a Victor of the games. 

Last years hunger games had gone a bit different, and I wish the same was allowed to occur with my own. 

The games claimed two victors. Both coming from District 12, which is know to be the poorest district. 

They were some lovebirds alright. They gave the Capitol a dilemma alright. Either they both win or they don't get a Victor. 

They stood at the end preparing to end their fate, just like Romeo and Juliet when the gamesmaker, Seneca Crane announced them both winners. 

Snow was not happy with the outcome, he covered it up in the media, but we all know that he had Crane executed by some manner. 

Snow's face appears onto the television as he announces his 'surprise'. 

He begins his speech. 

"On the twenty-fifth annual hunger games, which is done as a reminder to the rebels that their children were dying because of their choice to initiate violence, each district was made to vote for who they wanted to go into the hunger games,"

"And on the fiftieth anniversary, as a reminder that two rebels would die for Capitol Citizen, each district was required to give twice as many tributes,"

"And now," the President continues, as a boy dressed all in white walks forward to hand him a white envelope, "to honour the third quarter quell," he continues as he opens the card. 

Without any hesitation, he reads out, "On the seventy-fifth anniversary, as a reminder to the rebels that even the strongest among them cannot overcome the power of the Capitol, the male and female tributes will be reaped from the existing pool of victors". 

I hear Annie screech from next door. 

My grandmother lets out a similar one. 

My sister falls to lie on the ground. 

And Finnick buries his head in my couch. 

Before I can think it myself, my legs are already carrying me out the door. I don't even know where I am going, I just run. 

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