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A/N I am ill as fuck and really missing da boyfriend and this is the only comfort I could kinda find. It finna be hella shit cause im feverish as fuck and havent written in ages so big apologies. 

The door leading to the underground district flys open pretty quickly. Johanna directing me over with one hand over my shoulders whilst the other making sure nobody gets to close. And as we reach nearer  she lets go as Finn greets us, swinging his arms around me. 

He trys to muffle his own tears but I can hear them. We just stand there like that for a little while, the rest of my companions just standing behind us. 

After a short while he begins to lead me down into the Bunker back to some sense of security. 

Once we bound down the steps and make it to what I guess you would call the entrance lobby we are quickly greeted by Coin. 

"That," she clasps her hands together whilst a large smile over comes her face, "was absolutely brilliant!"

"Brilliant?" Finnick mutters back to her, disgust lining his voice. "What about that was brilliant? Please tell me. Because all I saw was you putting my girlfriend through something she didn't want to do. Something that she is trying to forget and move past".

"Finnick-" Katniss attempts to silence him, knowing the trouble he could get into. 

It seems to somewhat silence his words, but he seemed to be unable to lighten up the expression on his face. 

Coin scrunches her face in disgust, 'your girlfriend,' a word in which she says with severe malice, 'agreed to do the interview, she saw it was in everyone's best interest. And yes it was tricky but it got their attention, which is what we need'.

Finnick keeps his arms around my shoulders and leads me back to my room, where I quickly clamber back into my bed and wrap myself up in the covers, my sobs getting louder but I am unable to even comprehend them. 

Finn stands and just watches me for a while, unsure of what to do in this situation but he is quick to join me. He walks over and lies down on the bed behind me. He pulls me into a hug. One arm holds me as tight and as close as he can whilst the other makes it's way to my hair. As his strokes my hair he makes sure to reassure me as he shushes my cries and tells me everything is going to be okay. 

It's not long before I succumb to sleep, and for the first time in a while I am not visited by my haunting memories of being locked away and isolated, instead I am reminded of my first games. 

Memories of Castor replay over and over. The way he just leapt out to guard me for no particular reason, and the way his body turned and flopped. How empty his eyes look when the life left them. And the victmin I claimed on behalf of him. Someone who was merely trying to survive, someone who should've killed me to then be killed by Castor. If Castor were here right now he wouldn't be broken, he would be fighting, he would be fine. 

I am awoken by being shaken, I turn and I feel as if I got caught in the rain. My face coated in tears, my hair and back matted in sweat. 

'Hey, buttercup, it's alright, it's alright, i'm here,' Finn tells me rocking me back and forth in an effort to comfort me. 

I push him off me and run past him. I run out the door and keep running. I have no destination in mind I just need to feel free. 

I keep absent mindedly darting down corridors not paying attention to where I am going I just need out of here. 

I am greeted by a cold hallway which really helps with how conjested I am feeling right now. 

I slow down from running, and my bare feet slap the floor, leaving a mark behind of my nasty ass sweat. 

I find a spot at the end behind some boxes and decide to make it my home. 

After about fifteen minutes of just lying there and feeling the cold, I hear people begin to beckon my name, most noticeably Finn's. 

I ignore them all and just lie there, it's not long until they fade out again. 

I manage to get on the precipice of sleep before I am ushered out by someone softly calling 'Y/N'. 

Buttercup: Finnick Odair X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now