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I feel myself awake but it takes a while to convince my eyes to open. 

This time when I awake, I find I am not alone. 

The chair beside me has since been filled by my... I'm not sure what to actual call him. My best friend?

He lies back in the chair. His head slumped to the side, laying on his own shoulder. His mouth ever so slight open, emitting some heavy breaths every so often. Evidently asleep. 

He is no longer in hospital attire. He wears some classic Finnick Odair outfit. 

A white tee, and some plain black trousers.

I once again have a drip secured in my arm, and a catheter at my bedside. I find a bracelet on my left wrist that slightly covers my friendship bracelet. 

I move it so it is on show. 

I look over to Finnick to check if he is wearing his own. Which he is, it makes me smile a little bit.

I move my wrist towards my face in an attempt to read what is says. I am able to make out the words.



D.O.B:  26.4 



                          INTERNAL DAMAGE 

                         EXTERNAL DAMAGE



Well that would explain why I am unable to stay awake for what seems like less than five minutes. They seem to be weaning me off of it though, as I am actually capable of using my eyes. 

I look around the room, unsure of what I should do. 

I don't even know where I am, or even when I am. I don't know if I am yet free. But I find it hard to believe I am still in the Capitol's hands. For what reason would they stop the torture and begin to heal me. Let alone allow Finnick at my side as they do so. 

I sit as I try and figure out a game plan. 

My thoughts are soon interrupted when a small girl, who must be around thirteen or fourteen, enters my room brandishing a clip board. I recognise her face but I am unable to place a name to it. 

"Oh. You're awake," she says with a small smile on her face.

She looks over at Finnick who is still sound a sleep. I shake my head as a way of telling her 'don't wake him'. 

She nods in understandment. 

"I'm Primrose, but most people call me Prim," she introduces herself. 

So that's why I recognise her. She's Primrose Everdeen. The little girl, that only two years ago had Katniss volunteered for. The girl that the Jabberjay's had mimicked in an effort to trick Katniss into believing they had harmed her. 

Katniss' little sister. 

She reminds me off my own little sister. How I heard the cry's just like Katniss. But coming from my own sister rather than her. 

"Y/S/N?" I ask, my voice extremely broken. 

She nods at me with a smile on her face. "She's alright".

Relief pours over me, as I feel my muscles relax. Not realising how tensed up I was before doing so.

"Your whole family is fine".

I look over at Finnick then back at Prim, "the other Victors..." I trail off. 

She just stands there for a moment, contemplating what to say to me. 

"They're alive".

I just nod. 

"Where am I?" I ask. It probably should have been my first question, yet it didn't seem as vital as the previous. 

"I'll let your boyfriend or Katniss explain that to you".

I must pull a strange face because she is quick to add.

"Just know you aren't in the Capitol. We got you, you're safe here".

I wasn't responding in lue of her answer but in fact the term she used. Boyfriend? Is that what Finnick is to me now? 

I sit in silence, unsure of what more to say to her. I give her a small smile rather than just sit and stare at her. 

She makes her way over to me and examines my drip. She then places two fingers on my wrist as she counts my heart rate. 

Once satisfied she leaves the room. Not closing the door after her. 

But that wasn't without reason. 

After her walks in her sister. 

As soon as I see her I feel instantly guilty for I did in the games. 

"Katniss. I am so sorry I-" I begin to explain, my voice becoming more broken after each word. 

But she interrupts me, "I know. I understand. It's ok. You did what you had to".

"I just wish I knew," she continues, making her way over to sit at the end of my bed. 

"We got told not to tell you. It wouldn't have worked else".

"I know".

We sit in silence for a short while. Both of us unsure what to say to the other. 

"Where am I?" I ask to break the silence more than anything. 

"We're in District 13".

I sit there in shock. I thought that it all got destroyed. They attempted to oppose the Capitol and it did not end in their favour. 

She registers my face and explains. 

"The moved under ground. They had been building it up for centuries in case anything happened. But they remained here all these years. Building a community stronger than before. They are the ones leading the rebellion. They were the ones that got us out of the arena". 

She pauses and looks up at me. "Some of use".

"Did they," my voice breaks cutting off my words "get everyone," I mouth. 

She seems to understand what I am asking. 


I decide not to question her any further, the pain in her voice had said enough. 

[ word count: 952 ] 

Buttercup: Finnick Odair X ReaderOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant