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Finnick's POV:

I awake to find that I am no longer in the arena. I look around and I see Katniss one bed over from me, with restraints on her arms. And on the bed opposite is Beetee. 

Everyone else must be in a different room. 

We did it. We got out of the 75th Hunger Games. 

I roll myself out of bed, I need to find Y/N. 

I am unsteady on my feet as I get up, and it takes me a moment to regain any balance, even then I am left staggering around. 

I can feel that I am naked, with nothing but a light gown covering me. I wonder how bad my injuries are, but I have no time to worry about that right now. 

I make my way into the hallway as the door was left unguarded, and open. 

I am greeted by Haymitch in the hallway, as he appears to be going somewhere else. 

He stops to greet me, and places a hand on my shoulder. "Son, take it easy, you took a beating down there".

I don't care about that right now. I can worry about that later. Right now, only one thing crosses my mind. 

I ignore him. "Where is Y/N, please take me to her," I request, making sure to carry no rudeness in my tone. As Y/N always says 'manners cost nothing'.

He doesn't respond to my question. Instead he just looks down at his feet. 

Instantly fear strikes through me. 

I saw the blood. I heard the cannons. 

I was sat guarding the tree and Beetee, doing nothing more besides that as he was preparing for our escape. When the wire ended up back where we were. 

'That wasn't part of the plan," I think to myself. The wire wasn't to do anything but distract Katniss, and the Capitol whilst the rebels prepared for our extraction. 

I look back towards Beetee, "don't," he warns me. 

"Peeta, stay here. Guard Beetee. I will be right back," I tell him. 

He tries to protest and come with me, "Beetee needs someone guarding him. And if something has happened, I am the best fighter".

He just nodded and shulked back. 

I make my way down the hill. 

I'm quick to come across a pile of blood. 

That could be part of the plan, where we remove Katniss' tracker so that when she is out of the arena, they can't track her,  but how would I know if they had even reached that point before the wire got cut?

"Y/N, Y/N, Johanna, Katniss," I yelled out hoping for a response from just one of them. 

But nothing.

"Where is she?" I ask this time more desperate, my voice hardly a croak.

Haymitch looks back up at me, but is unable to look me in the eyes.

"I'm sorry".

"Sorry about what?" I demand, anger truly lacing my voice this time, maybe manners do cost something. 

He doesn't reply once more. 

"Just tell me!"

"We weren't able to extract her in time".

"What do you mean your couldn't get her in time? Is she still down there? Let's go back. Or just even send me down, I'll go and get her".

Plutarch Heavensbee comes through a door just behind Haymitch.

"I'm afraid we can't do that," he tells me. "The Capitol has her now".

I begin to thrash about as Haymitch tries to hold me down, I could easily kill this drunk with my bare hands, but by injuries start to come into effect. 

"No, no, don't you dare tel-".

My words get cut off as I am stabbed in my side. 

I look down to see a needle poked in me, already getting removed as the serum has already entered my body. 

Everything is quick to fade, as I am carried to the ground. 

"Y/N," I whisper out as the world disappears. 

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