The man who passes the sentence should swing the sword

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one week later

I had not been allowed to stay in the living quarters with the rest of my family. I was still kept in the hospital bay. But I had since been changed out of my thin robe into some average pyjama's. They had allowed Finnick to sleep in here with me though. 

When I first awoke he kept asking me what had happened to me whilst I was being held in the Capitol. But I refuse to tell him. I refused to tell anyone. It was something I didn't want people to be aware of. Finn more than anybody. 

"They want to record you," Finn tells me, holding my hand beginning to rub circles on it. "They want you to tell the people what they did to you".

I sit in silence. Staring at my feet, trying to think it over. 

This is something I had wanted to keep to myself. Just as Finnick wanted to keep his own secret.

One that he had never shared before, not even with me. 

But he had shared his secret to use as a distraction to rescue us from the Capitol. 

They showed me the tapes. Finnick had asked me to watch them. He wanted to tell me himself, but he somehow found it harder to tell me than the camera. But I didn't want to pressure him. 

I stood besides Johanna, as she watched them as well. As Beetee sat ahead of us, now confined to a wheel chair, rolling the tapes. Besides that we were left in peace.

I watched him, whilst he tried to contain his tears. His face looking as bleak and white as the rose that was always perched on President Snow's jacket. 

He spoke about how the Capitol exploited him. Not for publicity, but for something much dire. They had thrown him to the highest bidder. He was merely a scrap to the hungry Capitol's tyrants. How they had forced him into doing hideous acts. 

He told us the only reason that he compiled was for me and Mags. They had threatened our life's if he didn't do what they asked. 

It made me sick. 

I fell to the floor in a crumple. As Johanna knelt down and tried to console me. 

Herself going through the same thing as Finnick, until she had no one else to care about. 

He told them that Snow had told him how he was going to do the same thing to me as I hit sixteen. How he had bargained with him. How he had became more of a slave to them in order to grant me freedom. 

And I don't know what made me feel worse.

I couldn't help but blame myself for the pain that he had always tried so hard to mask. 

Just as Finnick had told his tale, I needed to tell mine. 

"It's ok," I tell him, "I have to".

"No," he moves on to the bed and pulls me into a hug, "no, you don't Buttercup".

I was taken to be interviewed about ground. To the same place Finnick was. 

I asked for Finnick not to be there though. He had respected my wishes. Although I knew there would be no stopping him watching it on the screens as Beetee aired it. 

I, however, was joined by Katniss, Johanna, Haymitch and Plutarch. 

I had only knew Plutarch to be the game maker for our last game. So it was still strange for me to see him in the rebellion, even though he was the one to arrange everything. 

Plutarch was there to watch the interview over. Katniss and Johanna were there to be some kind of support system. And honestly, I had no idea why Haymitch was there. 

Buttercup: Finnick Odair X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now