Advice 4: Modesty

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Whenever we talk about Modesty people like to quote 1 Samuel 16:7 (the lord looks at the heart). Which is true the lord does look at our hearts, but the condition of your heart determines your actions. In Matthew 23:26 Jesus explains that we first need to clean the inside of the cup then the outside will be clean. This means that if our heart is truly "clean" the way we dress will be affected. Paul explains that we should dress modestly. There's nothing wrong with looking nice or wearing elaborate hairstyles he's trying to say that we should dress like people who profess to worship God. Our worth shouldn't be in what we wear but we should clothe ourselves with our "good deeds."

The way we dress says a lot about us and modesty isn't talked about a lot these days. It's also important because Matthew 18:6 says we shouldn't cause others to stumble. When we dress a certain way we might cause our sisters or brothers to stumble. Don't get me wrong men need to control themselves too and they could dress immodest sometimes. I believe modesty goes both ways. We should all try our best to dress modestly because we're representing Christ. I love you that's why I'm saying this❤️

I'm not one of those people who likes to tell people how to dress please ask God to lead you and let you know what's appropriate.
Always ask yourself this- "would I wear this if Jesus were in the room?..."

God loves you so much! Pm me if you need to talk or need prayers.

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