Chapter 25

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Addison didn't take her eyes off Dawson and Miller as they strung the Grounder up. Chains wrapped tightly around both of this extremely large Grounder. She clenched her jaw when she met Dawson's eyes. His eyes filled with regret; regret of agreeing to go along with Bellamy, but Addison couldn't see it. She's too disgusted to notice.

Addison averted her gaze and climbed down to the next level, and immediately found Octavia seated by the ladder. Addison walked toward Octavia and settled between the small gap between the row of seats. She pressed her back against the cold metal wall and slid by Octavia on the floor. Signing, Addison clasped her hands together and placed her arms atop her knees.

She couldn't wait to get out of this place and live a life faraway from camp. Earth had caused her nothing but pain, not happiness like she envisioned in Lockup a year ago. Hell, even two weeks ago; when she touched the ground for the first time. The only good thing that'd came out of landing on Earth was her reunion with Liam, and some of the delinquents she's met.

Meeting Octavia is one of Addison's highlights from Earth for obvious reasons. Clarke, the girl she put so much faith into their survival and leading the hundred properly. Finn, the adventurous boy, whose fate is currently in Clarke's hands. Monty and Jasper, the epic best friend duo, that never fail to make Addison laugh. Her new cocky mechanic friend, that's started to get on Addison's nerves from her riddle and how they left that conversation in the open. Then there's Dawson, the boy that is currently hurting her, yet confused her just as much as Octavia does.

Addison so badly wished she knew why Dawson's actions are affecting her the way they are; why he's made her feel things she didn't want to feel near him. She only ever wanted to feel that way toward Octavia, but now Dawson's been thrown in the mix.

Addison shook her head. She not-so-silencing sighed in frustration, and continued picking the dirt from under her fingernails.

"Hey," she looked up and met green. "You okay?"

Addison responded breathlessly, "I could ask you the same thing."

Octavia simply brushed her tone off, "I'm asking about you."

"Your brother was the one in charge of kidnapping the Grounder," Addison unintentionally said bitterly, and moved her gaze to the ladder. "My concern is with you, not my input on the situation."

Octavia sighed Addison's name, "Addison—"

"Whoa! He's awake!" Miller's muffled shout cut through the air.

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