Chapter 21

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"Dawson, Liam, go back to camp." Bellamy orders, "Make sure everyone stays working."

Liam's brows knit, "The more people you have helping to look for your sister, the faster we'll find her. You know that, right?"

"Yes, I know that. But I don't trust anyone back at camp to keep an eye on things," Bellamy defends, scanning their surroundings.

"What about Clarke?" Dawson asks, glancing at Addison in confusion. "Don't you trust her?"

The brunette girl sighs, waving her torch around, "We don't know how long Clarke'll be gone with Raven."

"Exactly, and that's why you two need to watch over things." Bellamy agrees with Addison, each stepping over the log that lays in their way.

Liam and Dawson both sigh, reluctantly nodding and follows their orders nonetheless. "I'll see you guys when we come back," she tells the boys, slowing her pace down to bid them off.

"Since when have you and him become buddies?" Liam asks with knitted brows, his eyes narrowing in confusion. "Didn't he try and to hang you a few days ago?"

Addison nods, "Yes, but I don't care about that anymore. I don't even care that that guy—" she points to the boy with a bright flashlight in front of them, "—had me strung for Bellamy to go through with it. All that matters to me right now, is finding Octavia and making sure she's safe back at camp."

"That's John Mbege," Dawson informs them, "We're from the same station."

"Right, another boy named John. Hopefully he's not as crazy, besides trying to hang people," she mumbles, glancing at Liam and Dawson, "You two better start going back."


"I'll be ok, Lee." She cuts him off with small, reassuring smile.

Dawson snorts, "Yeah, girl's got nine lives." He teases, Liam chuckling softly.

Addison rolls her eyes, "Whatever, just go." She pushes them back, watching Dawson's torch fade away. She shakes her head , chuckling at the two under her breath before resuming her search for Octavia. Addison jogs forward, catching up with Bellamy. "They're on their way back to camp," she informs, the two meeting eyes.

He nods, both going back to searching. Within minutes, a voice shouts. "Look! Over here!" Mbege.

Her and Bellamy are quick to come to his side. Mbege shines his bright flashlight back down a steep drop, Addison peering down with squinted eyes. "What is it?" Bellamy asks, leaning over the slope more.

"Right there, you see it?" Mbege shines it back to a bush, "Is that Octavia's?"

Bellamy's posture straightens, "Rope."

"Bellamy, what is it?" Addison asks, not being able to see what they're seeing.

He bends down with the rope, tying it tightly to a nearby tree, "It looks like a piece of torn fabric from someone's clothes," he responds quickly, finishing the knot off.

Her eyes widen, moving back to the edge. Mbege flashlight still shines on it and finally, she's able to make it out. Bellamy was right, it's a torn piece of fabric from someone that fell from where they're standing on top. Her heart pounds in her chest harder, nerves flooding through her veins at the thought of Octavia possibly falling this far.

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