Chapter 35

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This is pretty much a trial chapter on Liam's side of things. I'll continue posting a few more chapters of his side of thing throughout this book to see if it'll be a permanent thing. Anyways, have a good night or day!



The events of the Unity Day party hit him hard the next morning, his head spinning and aching. After graciously taking Addison's shift, he was soon relieved by another member of the 100, and he didn't protest. He wanted to have fun, and he did.

He had no recollection of what happened besides playing a few games and drinking way too much Unity Juice. His hair was a mess, but his clothes were still in place, to which he's grateful for. At least he knew he didn't do anything he'd regret the next morning or in the future.

Many delinquents stumble and groan, having had too much to drink, and camp was a complete mess. The ones that weren't hungover as bad had began to slowly clean up camp. Liam wondered around camp, not once finding one of his friends.

He began to open and peak in tents, and there he was, fast asleep in the sixth tent Liam's checked. Liam closes the tent flap, hearing his name being called out to him.

"Hey, have you seen Addison? Or anyone?" Liam asks, noticing that Dawson too is recovering from last night, but he didn't show it as much as the rest of camp.

Dawson nods to the dropship, Liam following in confusion. Once they were alone, he begins to explain, "Finn's set up a meeting with the Grounders. They should be there now," the taller and bulkier boy says.

Liam's eyes bug out, the entirely of his face covered in shock. He didn't know why no one told him last night, and Dawson knew, and Liam knows he was drinking just as much as himself. Liam didn't think he'd drank that much, but then again, he doesn't remember hardly anything.

"Wait, what? Grounders? Meetings? How is that—"

"Wooah..." Dawson draws out, "I don't know that much. I only know that Clarke took Addison with her and Finn, and that Bellamy, Raven, and Jasper went as back up. For precautions," the boy tells Liam before he could ask anymore questions.

Liam remains silent for a moment, his recovering brain processing the information. He stares at one of the seats against the wall, brows furrowed and hands resting on his hips, weight shifting from one leg to another.

Worry was the first wave of emotion to run through him, especially when it came to Addison and doing a meeting with the group of people that've been killing their people—the 100 and Bellamy and Raven—after she's been celebrating Unity Day. He knows exactly how she works at parties; once she's started having fun and drinking, it was extremely hard for her to slow down.

Liam's brown eyes widen slightly, a light bulb going off, "Octavia..." he whispers inaudibly. He never once saw the Blake girl while searching, and Dawson never mentioned her being everyone else.

Dawson furrows his own brows in confusion, arms folding over his chest and head tilting forward, "What?"

"Where's Octavia?" Liam asks quickly, their eyes meeting.

The blonde-haired boy shrugs smally, head retracting back to its regular position, but still tilts it down to look at Liam. "I barely see her anymore. I actually haven't even seen her in a couple days," Dawson says slowly, the dots connecting.

Liam sees the wheels turning in his head, the wheels in his own head turning, too. "You don't think...? But, I thought her and Addison..." he trails off, hands raising up above his head for a second in frustration and confusion. Now he knew he had to have a talk with his life long bestie after the meeting.

"Isn't she your 'best friend'? So much for that..."

"Hey." Liam snaps at the taller boy, "That's practically my little sister you're talking about."

Dawson lifts his hands in mock surrender, his lips curling into a playful smirk as he chuckles lowly. "Right, sorry. Your sister it. I'll remember that."

The brunette-haired boy gives Dawson a short nod, "Good. But that still doesn't explain the Octavia and Addison thing, and then the Grounders and the meeting..."

Dawson sighs heavily, catching Liam's attention. The blonde boy clenches his jaw, blue eyes darting through the entrance of the dropship.

"You know something, don't you? More than what you're telling me," his brown eyes bore into the side of Dawson's head, waiting for an explanation.

"That Grounder we had in camp, I had a part in his escape," Dawson says slowly, finally turning his head to meet Liam's shock and wide brown eyes.

"You what?! Why would you—"

Dawson chuckles, "Stop asking questions and just listen." Liam reluctantly sighs, but snaps his mouth shut nonetheless. "It was Octavia's idea. She had said something about wanting Addison to forgive me for when I kissed her and what had happened that evening, and I agreed. She wasn't exactly clear in her motives, but whatever it was, it worked. I think," he responds.

Liam scoffs softly in sarcasm, his hands going back to his hips, and weight shifting to his left leg. "That's not confusing, or anything."

Dawson sighs, shrugging his broad shoulders, "Ask Addison. I'm sure she's gotten the explanation from Octavia by now, or just ask Octavia."

Liam's brows shoot up, along with the rest of his facial features as he makes a face. "I'd rather ask Addison. Octavia's...Octavia," Liam says simply, Dawson nodding in agreement.

"Well..." the blonde-haired bit draws out, glancing out of the dropship, "Come on. Bellamy won't be happy to have camp looking as vulnerable as it does right now," Dawson gestures for Liam to follow, and he does, hoping Addison and the rest of his friends return from the meeting safe, and that Clarke can achieve a peace treaty he knows she'll be trying to negotiate.


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