Chapter 18

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The sun begins to peak over the tops of the mountains that surround, creating a soft glow all around. Addison tiredly rubs her eyes, her eyes widening in the realization that she had fallen asleep. She quickly peaks into the pod, glancing at the still unconscious girl. She presses her fingers to her neck again and finds a pulse, breathing in relief. "You're taking too long to wake up, you know that?" She speaks to the unconscious girl, moving back out of the pod as she eyes the tree line.

She leans her head against the pod, closing her eyes and listens to the sounds of nature; the birds chirping to one another, the leaves rustling together that create relaxing melody with the birds. Addison winces when she moves her aching neck the wrong way, quickly clamping her hands around her bruised neck. She licks her dry lips, her busted lip throbbing from the action. Her fists slowly clench and unclench, wincing when the dry wounds crack and re-open.

A groan catches her attention, startling her. Her head snaps to the pod, a relieved smile on her face as she watches the now awake girl hold her aching head. She retracts her head, a light layer of blood coating her fingertips, "Crap. That's not good," the stranger rasps out.

Addison softly chuckles, "Thank god," she breathes out, catching the stranger's attention, "It's about time you're awake. I was starting to get worried."

"I'm alive?" The girl questions in confusion, studying the delinquent girl in front of her with an accent she's never heard before.

Addison nods, her smile widening, "Yeah, you're alive." The girl smiles, immediately starting to unbuckle herself.

Addison helps her out of the pod before the girl strips herself of the spacesuit, walking behind Addison to the center of the small clearing. "It's beautiful," she whispers, taking a deep breath of Earth's fresh air, "Ahh...I dreamed it would smell like this," she continues taking deep breaths, holding her arms out to her sides.

She turns back around and faces the smaller girl that watches her with a small, tired smile, feeling the soft rain drops starting to touch her skin, "Is this rain?"

Addison nods, "It may seem fun and exciting now, but it's terrible when you're soaken n wet and cold."

The girl's smile widens, scanning Addison. She starts at her straight, medium length matted and greasy brown hair, to the dark circles that rest under her brown eyes, and down to her busted and slightly swollen lip, her eyes then widening at the large bruise around her neck.

Addison clears her throat, averting her eyes down to the moist soil, hiding her bruise from the stranger in front of her. Her head snaps up in alert when she hears twigs snapping under something, or someone's, feet.

Clarke breaks the tree line, Addison's eyes closing with a relieved breath. The blonde and taller brunette-haired girl stare at each other with smiles. The stranger's smile is full of excitement as she giggles, and Clarke's full of happiness that someone from the Ark had finally touched Earth's surface, too.

"Welcome home." Clarke holds her smile, coming to Addison's side.


All heads snap to Finn, who's rushing towards Raven, the girl that crash landed in the pod. She rushes to him too, calling his name as Addison's brows draw in a line, "Uh...they know each other?" She points confusingly at the reuniting duo that seem, in her opinion, way too intimidate to be friends. They kiss and her brows unknit, shooting straight up, "Oh. I guess they do," she glances at Clarke, the blonde's smile faltering at the reuniting duo.

A Whole New World | Octavia Blake [1]Where stories live. Discover now