Chapter 43

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Thank you guys for being so patient! I hope you guys enjoy this one! I think you will ;)



"Why was staying not an option?"

"I said to ask me again when this is over"

The fever was over and still, Addison didn't have her answer. With constant patrols that seemed never ending, she hadn't had the time to confront Octavia again, which frustrated her to no end. It didn't help that the edge everyone was on had grown since Jasper blew the bridge up.

Two days, Addison said to herself as she paced a section of wall. All was quiet, like it has been since the bridge.

"Anything?" asked Harper.

Addison shook her head with pressed lips as she came to a halt beside the blonde. "No, you?" Harper's response had been the same. Addison groaned, annoyed with the silence from the Grounders —the fact she hadn't been able to ask Octavia the question she's been dying to ask—, and relaxed her shoulders. "I can't take this anymore," she mumbled. "I'm cutting my shift short. I'll send someone else to fill in."

Harper merely nodded as she watched the temperamental brunette walk deeper into camp. Addison clutched the sleeve of the first delinquent she saw with a rifle and sent them to take her place. The boy she had grabbed didn't object, just nodded with an "okay" and calmly walked to where Harper was.

With a triumphant hum and smirk, Addison continued further into camp, flickering her eyes to the smokehouse Bellamy put Octavia and Murphy in charge of.

She passed it and soon found Dawson by one of the fires near the tents. He picked at the grass that grew around the log he sat on, bending it multiple ways before he threw it into the fire and repeated his actions.

"Patrolling's more boring that I thought," Addison commented, as she plopped down beside Dawson with an exhale.

He chuckled, and lifted a brow. "I think you're the only one anxious for a war besides Bellamy."

The brunette placed her rifle between herself and Dawson against the log —stock in the dirt and barrel to the sky—, then placed her chin in her right-hand. "That's because the sooner it's over, it means we're one step closer to normalcy." She scoffed, "Whatever that is on Earth."

"Creating a community that makes people feel safe. Finding someone to settle down with for the rest of your life," Dawson shrugged. "I don't know, that sort of thing, I guess."

"That's not a bad description." Addison surveyed camp, "It's better than what we're doing now: waiting to be picked off by people we didn't know existed," she said, almost angrily, then mocked "some dream, huh?", like she's done since the Grounder problem arose.

"Some dream," repeated Dawson, with a heavy sigh. He peeled small strands off a blade of grass with his fingers.

A moment of silence passed between them before Addison's stomach churned. "I don't like this." She watched as her fellow delinquents did their assigned duties.

"You don't like a lot of things."

"I'm talking about the quietness, not people." She chewed on her bottom lip, now looking at the walls that surrounded them and served as a safety net. "After we blew up their bridge, they haven't attacked us. Not yet, anyways."

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