Who's Ready?

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Is anyone else excited about the next book, or is it just me? Get ready for one hell of a ride, my lovely readers, because book 2 will be out tomorrow! Book 2 is called, Not What It Seems. Description will be down below if any of you want to read it :). Until tomorrow, have a good night/morning!

Not What It Seems

The war with the Grounders at the dropship is over.

Addison's in the place she and the hundred were meant to land —but it's nothing like she imagined. When the line between friend and foe are drawn, she must do everything to protect her people. But at what cost?

Barely alive after the war, Liam's soon put on a time crunch to rescue his friends. Not only do the Mountain Men become his new enemy, but so is he to himself. While trying to undo what's been done, he can't help but rethink; does he want to be what he considers 'normal' for himself, or does he want to fall into the trap and get lost forever?

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