Chapter 24

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Questions rise within Addison as she navigates her way through camp. With each dance she does between a delinquent to move out of their way, one question after the other pops up. What could Raven possibly need that Addison has to be there for? The girl is more than capable of figuring out how to contact the Ark; she proved that by rigging up the flare launchers. Addison isn't mechanically inclined to do nearly what Raven's done in the short time she's been on the ground.

She swipes the, newly constructed, red and white tarp that covers the entrance of the dropship out of her way, entering at a quick pace. Her pace ceases when she locks her eyes onto Finn, observing his current state; sweat that glistens under the dim light covers his skin that had turned a sickly pale in a matter of hours. Clarke paces around the table he's laid upon, continuing to check his vitals and the newly piece of cloth she tied tightly around the blade.

Raven sits further inside the dropship at a much smaller table, working and mumbling nonsense to herself in frustration in front of random electrical objects. Addison slowly walks around Finn, keeping her sights on him until she reaches the older brunette haired girl. She swallows the dryness in her throat, turning her gaze away from the boy to the back of Raven's head.

"You requested me?" she asked softly, her hands coming together in front of her.

Raven nods, pointing at something that rests on the far corner of the table. "Hand me that," she demanded, continuing to fiddle with the multiple wires in front of her. Addison moves with slightly furrowed brows, leaning over the table and to what she now sees is a small knife.

Raven quickly yanks it from out of her hand, using its sharp blade to peel back a wire. "Is that all you needed me for?" Addison raises a brow in slight frustration, "To grab a knife on the other side of the table you're sitting at?"

She glances at Addison with a plain look, "No. Monty told me you have a mechanical mind, so what better person than you to help me contact the Ark," she replied, looking back at the pair of wires she stripped and pinches them together, moulding them into one. "And we need to talk."

Addison's already slightly furrowed brows scrunch even more, "Talk? You're on a time crunch to build a radio, and your boyfriend—"

"It's the only thing keeping my mind off him." Raven cut the smaller brunette off in a harsh tone. "I need you to splice these wires," she points to the rest of wires on the table after a moment of tense silence.

Addison brushes Raven's comment off, immediately shaking her head with wide eyes, "No way. Me and electricity aren't friends," she rushed out, remembering the multiple times she's zapped herself on the Ark from goofing around late at night with Liam.

"It's easy. Just do what I tell you and you'll be fine, got it?"

"Oh, god . . ." the younger brunette whispered under her breath, "I hope you're a good teacher, because I do not want to die from electrocution today. Or ever, preferably."

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