Chapter 5

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  Even with a fire to keep warm, the night air was still nippy

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  Even with a fire to keep warm, the night air was still nippy. After the fiasco with the water snake-serpent, Clarke had made the executive decision to set up camp not far from the river.

Addison stared into the bright, oranger flames of the fire that Finn built, mesmerized by the multiple singular flames that danced and created much larger, brighter ones. The crackling of the wood soothed her, but it wasn't enough to lullaby her to sleep like what was left of the foraging party.

Finn had ran off to explore while Clarke had left only a short while ago too meet with Finn, Addison had guessed. Jasper and Monty were off to the left crashed out besides each other, snoring softly —she smiled a little at the best friends.

At one point in her life, that was her and Liam.

To the right was Octavia, who confused Addison in more ways than one. Addison's known her for less than 24 hours and already she's felt things she hadn't felt in ages —but it was different, foreign.

She averted her eyes to her own best friend. Liam was across the fire, leaned up against a tree with arms folded across his stomach, fast asleep. Addison had wished he would have talked instead of avoiding her like he'd been doing since she blindly saved Octavia, but the more she stewed on the subject, the more she believed she deserved the cold shoulder after she'd done the same.

Yet still, Addison had no clue what caused Liam's sudden snap since Octavia's rescue. She believed he had no reason to be as upset as he is. Could it have been her impulsive jump in the water?

As Addison shifted her legs up to her chest and placed her chin atop her knees, she sighed softly. She shifted her gaze back to the bright flames of the fire and listened to the wood crackle and fire pop.

"What are you thinking about?"

Surprised, Addison simultaneously jumped and gasped as she snapped her head to Octavia. Octavia was now up, the upper part of her body propped up by her hands as she eyed Addison with tired green eyes. Addison averted her gaze to the fire, avoiding the obvious. "I didn't know you were awake," she kept her voice quiet, careful not to wake the others.

While shifting, Octavia softly sighed. The brunette looked over as Octavia crawled next to her, (uncomfortably and awkwardly) crossed her legs underneath her bum, then looked at Addison, "You didn't answer my question."

  Addison tightened her arms around her legs and placed her chin back atop her knees, and watched the flames dance around charred logs. "I can't sleep." When there was no response, Addison looked at the wild, carefree raven-haired girl.

  She slowly nodded, and moved her hands to rest in her lap. "I'll stay up with you."

  Addison shook her head with a small smile, "It's okay, Octavia, you don't have to; I'm a big girl." She nudged the taller girl with her bony elbow.

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