Chapter 10

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Addison grimaced at Jasper's pained moans. His head would rhythmically rock from side to side then face the top of the dropship, his brown eyes rolling shut. "I think death would be better than this," she muttered with a small sigh. "But hey, don't listen to me—I wouldn't listen to me. Clarke is gonna fix you."

  She flickered her eyes to Clarke, the blonde looking down at her watch with a hand over Jasper's heart, "His pulse is 380."

  "Shut that kid up!"

  "Go back to sleep."


  Each comment sent a surge of red hot anger through Addison's veins. She was more annoyed and irritated at the delinquents' insensitive comments, but no one else but herself needed to know that, especially the insensitive delinquents that yelled from the lower levels.

She glared at the opened hatch door before diverting her attention to Monty, her eyes softening at his sad dark brown eyes that ached for his best friend. He averted his attention back to the wristbands, ignoring the delinquents' comments.

"Don't listen to them. You're gonna make it through this, okay?" Clarke assured softly, rubbing the back of her hand along his head. "Promise."

"I told you Clarke's gonna fix you," Addison muttered to Jasper with a little smile. "Someone needs to be the ladies man on Earth."

"Can he just die already?"

The little smile was wiped off her face. She looked at the hatch with a blank expression, "That's it, I've had enough."

"Addison, don't—"

  "Relax, Clarke," the brunette stood, "I'm not gonna paint anyone's face .  .  ." as she walked to the hatch, she threw in a little "yet" that made Clarke look at her with a defeated sigh —it made Addison chuckle a little. "It won't do 'em any good anyways." She knelt at the hatch and muttered, "Insensitive pricks."

"You do have a heart," Clarke said, blatantly.

"Don't tell anyone." Addison lowered her head shoulders through the hatch hole as another comment rang from below. She allowed her anger to control her words, "SHUT THE HELL UP AND SHOW SOME RESPECT! YOU COULD BE THE NEXT ONE SKEWERED!" her accent rang out. She waited a few moments for a snarky reply, maybe from Atom, Bellamy or Murphy, but there was none. She leaned back on her knees and looked at Clarke with a raised brow, "See? No harm done, worry wart."

Clarke brushed the nickname off and stood. "I'm gonna get clean water." She flickered her blue eyes between Monty and the hot-headed brunette, "Monty, keep an eye on him." She then walked to the hatch and met Addison's eyes, awaiting her decision.

"I'll keep an eye on Monty and Jasper and everyone else."

Clarke nodded and disappeared down the ladder. Soon after, footsteps hit the ladder. Addison scanned the room for a useable weapon and locked onto a metal pipe that laid abandoned on the floor. She picked it up, gripping it in her hands so hard her knuckles turned white. She raised it over her left-shoulder like a baseball bat when the top of their head starting to poke.

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