Chapter 31

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The next morning, everyone was on edge. Since Octavia freed the Grounder, with the help of Dawson and unknown to everyone else, sleep was very minimal to most delinquents. Addison wasn't the least bit phased; sure, having a loose and most likely vengeful Grounder running around the forest with their camps whereabouts was unsettling, but she couldn't find it within herself to be scared; not like the rest of the teens in camp.

Maybe it was the mending of her and Octavia's friendship, and how the joy and happiness from it overrules every emotion but those two within her. Or maybe it was finally seeing eye-to-eye with Bellamy and his approval of her, and how their once frenemy relationship has turned into pure friendship. No hate or the want to hurt the other, whether it was intentional or not, none of those emotions swarm within the two now.

Addison tiredly drags herself out of her tent, slipping her jacket on on the way out, and eyes squinting at the sudden brightness. She raises a hand over her eyes, shielding the sun's rays, and yawns, tears surfacing.

"Someone had a night," Raven's teasing voice comes from across the path, her figure stopping in front of Addison.

The younger brunette drops her hand, narrowing her eyes at the girl, unamused. "Hilarious, Raven." She responds dryly, releasing her greasy hair from it's ponytail with a scoff, "God, I need to find somewhere to bathe..."

Raven chuckles, "I'm sure you know of a spot with all the sneaking around you've done at night."

"You're still not funny," the younger girl says just as dryly to Raven's teasing poke, "But, unfortunately, you're not wrong either."

She hums in satisfaction, her lips curling into her infamous Raven Reyes smirk, which annoys Addison, as she folds her arms over her chest. "It is a nice day to go for a swim. Why don't you ask...I don't know...Octavia?"

Addison's eyes widen, her entire facial features shooting sky high. "Whoa, Raven! I am not under any circumstances asking her that!" The eldest girl continues chuckling, her chuckles soon turning into pure hysteric laughters that make heads turn. "I just got in Bellamy's good graces to be her friend, I am not screwing that up."

Raven shrugs, cocking an eyebrow in defence, "It was just a suggestion, not a—hey!"

Addison chuckles this time, clenched fist retracting from the girl's shoulder. "Now that, was funny."

She rolls her eyes, scoffing, "Shut up."

"Addison!" Bellamy calls, interrupting their banter.

"On that note..." the young brunette sighs, glancing back to Raven, "See ya later."

Raven scoffs softly, chuckling lowly at the younger girl. "See ya."

Addison hops into a jog, going towards Bellamy, who stands near the dropship, distributing firearms to the delinquents. She gently shoves people aside, mumbling apologetic words once in a while.

She comes to the front with a huff, her eyes immediately finding the boy. He connects their eyes, "Give us minute."

The delinquents comply without a fuss, dispersing in small groups of their own a little ways away to give the two privacy. Addison sticks her hands in her jacket pockets, shrugging her shoulders, "Sup?"

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