Chapter 12

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Even with the amount of alcohol Addison's consumed, her body aches from being crammed inside the old car for so long. The good thing is the alcohol's numbed the burning in her ankles. Her legs cross, trying to get more comfortable as she straightens and twists her back, getting the pops and relieving some of the soreness. A thin layer of sweat coats all of their faces, her shirt and pants sticking to her like glue. The baby hairs sticking out of her ponytail cling to every sweating part of her neck and face it can find, and with her face so hot from a mixture of, mostly alcohol, and being enclosed in the tight space with no ventilation, it made it quite irritating trying to move them. Eventually, she gave up and just left her hair alone, not caring anymore.

With Addison's boredom reaching as far as the Ark in space and the thick tension in the air, the whiskey's helping tremendously, along with the buzz from it. When it came to alcohol, she's a total light weight. Before she was arrested, she was always careful with how much she drank around people she barely knew, but now, that's not the case. After being in the Sky Box for a year with her thoughts and guilt eating her alive, the whiskey is well deserved and it was getting pretty boring for her while being trapped with Chancellor Junior giving them, but mostly Clarke, lectures about what they should or shouldn't be doing to make the time pass, especially drinking. She didn't know what else to do when she's trapped inside a hundred year old car with booze. Not drink? Yeah right....Addison wasn't gonna leave it to age anymore than it already has, and she knows no one else besides Wells was going to either.

"Clarke, pass it over." Addison slurs out, extending her hand towards the whiskey bottle. Clarke lazily looks at her, slightly drunk as well, and hands it to the younger girl. Grabbing it from her, Addison rocks her head back, letting the dark substance burn her throat on the way down.

She hands it back to Clarke and slumps more against the wall, resting her head on the wall and closes her eyes. "It's been hours. Jasper—"

"Is in good hands." Finn cuts Clarke off, "Octavia will take of him."

Addison nods slowly, agreeing with him. "Finn's right." She opens her eyes and meets Clarke's, "She will."

Clarke's face scrunches up and her eyes squint, re-situating herself. "While we're on the subject, why is it that everyone thinks me wanting Jasper to not die is a bad thing?" She tilts her head, taking a quick breath, "Like I'm such a downer," Clarke pauses, scoffing softly, "I can be fun. Yeah." She looks between Finn, Addison and Dawson, "You guys think I'm fun, right?" She questions with a raised eyebrow.

Finn looks at her and gives her a small nod, answering immediatly, "Oh, yeah. Among other things."

The corner of Clarke's lips curl into a small, triumphant smile before her head rocks to Dawson. "Totally...yeah, especially with booze." Finn chuckles lightly at his comment.

Clarke also smiles and rocks her head towards Addison, waiting for her answer. A sigh escapes her lips as she uncrosses her legs and extends them in front of herself. Addison leans forward, clasping her hands in front of her, "When you find her, let me know. I look forward to meeting her," she tease with a smile, which earns her and smack on the leg from Clarke.

Finn chuckles softly, joining her fit of laughter as does Dawson until Wells speaks, ruining it. "You're fun." He snaps, all of their eyes  snapping to him, who looks straight at Clarke. There was a brief silence until he looks down at the floor, "Y-You remember that time—"

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