Chapter 52

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With quick and quiet feet, Addison headed straight for the nearest foxhole that would get her back behind the walls of camp. Exiting the foxhole, she gets to her feet, eyes wide when she witnessed the gate come crashing down.

"Oh, no . . ."

Addison hops into a sprint until an explosion goes off from the gate, causing Addison's ears to ring. She snaps her head back to the gate in time to watch a few of the Grounders fan out from the aftermath of the grenades Raven had built.

Yelling from the dropship draws her attention away from the front gate. Clarke is at the top of the ramp, hollering for everyone to get inside.

Addison hisses, dropping for cover behind a nearby rock. She holds the upper part of her right bicep, the adrenaline that pulses through her veins masking the pain she'll feel later from the arrow that nearly stuck in her.

She glances down, the part of her jacket where the wound resides soaked in her blood.


She snaps her head to the dropship. Dawson waves from beside Clarke while she and Finn urge Bellamy, then herself. "Addison, Bellamy, run!" Clarke yelled.

Addison wastes no time in pumping her legs for the dropship. She takes an occasional peak over her shoulder, firing all her rounds into two Grounders that had headed straight for her.

The two fall to the mud, limp. She lifts her foot up enough to grab the knife Octavia made her from out of her boot, then looks up. A stray Grounder does his warrior call, his sword raised straight in the air as he sprints towards her.

Addison freezes. She has no more ammo and she can't outrun him. What's a little knife going to do to a Grounder? Her life seemed to flash in the two seconds in takes for him to be in her personal space. Her mother's contagious laughter echos in the back of her mind, her father's kind eyes blurring her vision for a second. Liam's aggravated and annoyed expression every time she poked the dark mole that sits near Liam's lips when they were kids. The freckles that littered Natalie's face, and lastly, every detail of Octavia.

The greenness of her eyes and the way they lit up when she talked about something she loved —like her Rome history— or how the light from the glowing butterflies in the field gave her face a soft glow Addison found to be the most beautiful thing.

Her giggles when Addison made a fool of herself, the way Octavia's lips felt against every inch of her skin.

Addison jumps when the Grounder falls on top of her. She screams, eyes wide, but the Grounder was lifeless. She snaps her eyes behind him and meets Bellamy's eyes, his rifle aimed in her direction.

"Bellamy!" she shouted when she sees a Grounder make a b-line for him, but his gun clicked. She took note that he has her rifle.


"Liam," she breathed out in relief as he slides to her side, helping her push the Grounder off her.

"Come on," he pulls her up by her elbow. She passes Clarke and Finn, starting the sprint up the ramp.

"We have to help him. We can't leave him behind," Addison rushed.

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