Chapter 36

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Darkness had set in fast, their heavy breaths filling the dark woods as they sprinted. Addison's heart thumps heavy against her rib cage, feet tripping and stumbling over branches and forest debris she can't see, due to it being practically pitch black. The group of seven did as directed by Lincoln and sprinted straight for camp, barely stopping for any breaks until the glow of the torches came into their sights.

Not one time did Addison's hand loosen in Octavia's that holds the brunette's hand equally as tight. By the time she caught sight of the torches, her lungs burned and throat dry from the heavy breathing she's been doing and the constant fall air being swallowed. Every time she swallows the dryness, she swears she can taste the metallic taste of blood.

Her head pounds and thumps against her skull, her already spinning surroundings blurring together the more she continues sprinting. Black spots begin clouding her vision, now tripping over air as she struggles to keep up with Octavia.

Just when she thinks she's gonna pass out, she stumbles into Octavia's now stopped figure, their sweaty hands still locked together. " okay?" she whispers through heavy breaths, Addison snapping her eyes shut with a very faint nod.

"You got something to say?" Bellamy asks Finn, staring him down, who in turn, stares back at him.

Addison slowly opens her eyes and looks at the two boys' exchange from behind Bellamy and Clarke, using Octavia to rest her tired body on. "Yeah," Finn replies with just as hard voice as Bellamy had used. "I told you no guns!"

"I told you we couldn't trust the Grounders," Clarke interferes with a raised voice and locks eyes with Finn. "I was right."

Raven steps forward, grabbing onto Finn's arm and spins him to face her. "Why didn't you tell me what you were up to?!"

"I tried, but you were too busy making bullets for your guns!" Finn fires back.

"You're lucky she brought that!" Bellamy interrupts their fight in a louder voice, not once shifting his eyes away from Finn. "They came there to kill you, Finn."

He takes a step toward him, "You don't know that. Jasper fired the first shot!"

Octavia shakes her head, looking at Jasper and says, "You ruined everything." She backs away towards the gates and frees her hand from Addison's

"I saved you!" Jasper yells back at her and scoffs. "You're welcome," he says quietly, storming past Addison.

"Jasper..." she whispers out, watching his figure disappear where Octavia had, her cold hand hanging down at her side.

"Well, if we weren't at war already we sure as hell are now." Finn points out.

"Thanks for pointing out the obvious," the brunette says before storming through into camp.

No sooner than she slips through the gates, she's bombarded by Liam and Dawson, each asking their own versions of the same question. Why she would go to a Grounder meeting hungover, why she didn't tell either of them what she was up to... Addison doesn't reply, merely brushing them off and pushes past them, ignoring their calls.

Her pace quickens, seeing the familiar tent in her sights. "Addison, hey."

"What Liam?" She snaps in annoyance, turning to face him and Dawson, snatching her arm free from his grasp.

"A meeting with the Grounders? Really?" Liam asks with a raised brow.

Addison flickers her eyes between her best friend and Dawson, "You wanna know about the meeting? Ask Clarke or Bellamy. I'm not in the mood to argue with you right now, okay?" she says in exhaustion, a sighing escaping through her lips. "We can talk about this in the morning," and with that she enters her tent.

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