Chapter 50

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"You know the first thing I'm gonna do when we get to the beach?" Miller asked, no sense of worrying about the Grounders in his step, mood, or attitude.

Addison ignored him, both of her hands now on her rifle. Her guard was up, she and Octavia having released their hands once they had come to the front of the pack. Octavia lead the delinquents, Addison just barely diagonal from her on the left, and Drew, Miller and Jasper just behind her.

"No," Jasper said, sounding annoyed and paranoid, "what?"

"I want to go surfing," there was a smile in Miller's voice when he answered.

"There are Grounders out here and you're talking about surfing?" Addison spared Miller the smallest of glances over her shoulder.

"I think it's cool," Drew shrugged, not an ounce of worry in him either.

Addison sighs, rolling her eyes as she goes back to surveying the forest, rifle aimed in front of her and Octavia. "Then you two can be quiet and talk about it later."

"Guys, she's right." Jasper backed Addison quietly, "Keep your eyes open."

"No more woods," Drew started, his pace quickening that now matches Addison's, "a view of the ocean . . . no more damn trees, just pale, blue water."

"Will you please—" Octavia stopped, holding her index and middle finger up in front of Addison that cut her off.

"What is it?" Jasper whispered fearfully from Drew's other side while Addison aimed her rifle at the trees in front of them more carefully. She looks down the iron sights of her rifle, but doesn't spot a thing. "I don't see anything," Jasper spoke again.

Still keeping her eyes trained on the empty forest, Addison slowly brings the barrel of her rifle down, "Me neith—"

A shiny piece of metal whizzes pass Addison and imbedded itself right across Drew's face, killing him instantly. Addison let out a short cry as his body dropped to the forest floor, only inches away from her own two feet.

The rifle that was securely in her hands dropped to the ground, her doe eyes wide in fright. Panic rose in every single fibre and atom her's and all the delinquents body's are made of.


Jasper shouted, more spooked than anyone. It didn't take long for Addison to snap out of it. She hurriedly picked her rifle up from the forest floor, having been shoved in front of someone as she and the rest of the delinquents sprint back to camp, the fear rising in each individual.

Addison stumbled to kept her pace up as best she could. The terrified shouting of delinquents had only grew when camp's walls were finally in view. She couldn't hear her own voice when she shouted for Liam, Dawson and Raven.

"They're right behind us! Go, go, go!" Octavia yelled, "Behind the wall!" Considering she's right behind Addison, she could barely hear Octavia.

"Shut the gate! Shut the gate!"

Finn had yelled, he, Dawson and other delinquents Addison couldn't see closing the heavy gate. She desperately looked around for Liam and Raven, her heart thumping hard against her ribs.

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