Chapter 23

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Shortly after Addison accepted Dawson's comforting embrace, she parts ways with him, waiting to be alone. Her legs carry her near one of the camp's more secluded walls to a fallen log used by delinquents to sit on and converse after their days work. She plops down on it with her hands clamped together and elbows on her knees, her eyes shifting between the soil beneath her boots and a certain tent.

A shiver runs down her spine and spreads throughout her body from the significantly colder wind that picks up. She lifts her head up from her gaze on the dirt to the sky, rubbing her hands up and down her arms for warmth.

The sky starts rumbling and dark clouds start forming, signalling a storm is coming. A soft sigh escapes her lips, shifting her gaze back to her surroundings. Her hair begins to softly blow around in different directions as she watches some of the delinquents scramble around camp to find things Clarke needs for Finn while some simply carry on with their duties. Worry fills her once again as she shifts her gaze to the tent she's been watching, her hands clamping around her arms tighter for warmth.

The look of anger and hurt she saw on Octavia's features before she disappeared inside tore her heart. She hates to see the people she cares hurt in anyway or form. She sucks her bottom lip between her teeth, nervously waiting for Octavia to come out at any moment, but she never does.

Addison quickly glances around camp once more before she stands up, slowly walking to the girl's tent. She keeps her arms folded, sending occasional smiles to some of the younger delinquents she passes out of kindness, and a small wave to Harper and a dark skinned boy with a beanie she's seen around before that's at the girl's side.

"Addison!" Harper calls just as she passes the table the girl's stood at, the brunette stopping in her tracks.

She glances over her shoulder as Harper waves her over with a smile. Reluctantly, Addison goes in the opposite direction of Octavia's tent, but not before eyeing it one last time. The brunette stops at the makeshift table in front of Harper, a small smile on her face as she greets the girl, "Hey, Harper."

"Are you busy?" Harper asks hopefully with a raised brow. "We could use some help sorting these out," she adds, holding up a rations pack in each hand.

Addison moves her gaze from her and to the tent, a leg beginning to bounce anxiously, "Uh, y-yeah." She bounces her eyes between the duo, "I can help you guys later, now's just not a good time."

Harper nods in understanding with pressed lips, "That's ok. I know you've been busy with everything going on," she offers her a tight lipped smile.

"I'm sorry, Harper, really. It's just—"

"Octavia," the boy making the rations cuts Addison off, glancing at the girl.

She snaps her eyes to him, "What? Who even are you?"

"Nathan Miller," he introduces, sliding a neatly finished pack to Harper.

"You're part of Bellamy's little pow-wow force, right?" Addison asks, studying the boy in front of her.

He shifts his eyes to her with a nod, "Yeah."

"Miller," Bellamy's voice booms. Addison looks over her shoulder at him and another boy at his side, but Bellamy keeps his determined eyes on the boy, "Come with me." He demands, sparing Addison a small glance before Miller joins their sides and they walk off, conversing in close proximity that make her brows knit in confusion.

"He has impeccable timing," the brunette says quietly, facing Harper once again. She chuckles, taking over Miller's current duty. "If he's part of Bellamy's little force, why's he making rations?"

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