Chapter 11

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Without so much as saying a word to anyone about leaving, the five of them disappeared, on a hunt for something Wells has only learned and seen in books. Addison just hopes he's right about this stuff being seaweed and they're not on some wild goose chase. Her feet had started to ache long ago, and her legs have quickly become sore and tired from all the hiking and running around she's been doing lately.

She trails quietly behind Clarke, bored out of her mind, with the three boys behind her. Every once in a while, she'll bend down and grab a rock or something and throw it at a tree, or pull leaves off passing ferns and other plants that have stained her hands green from picking at the leaves until there's nothing left.

"You know, you should, uh, really rethink this whole hating me thing." Wells casually states from behind her. Addison scoffs inaudibly at the fact they've barely made it 15 minutes without Wells attempt of striking a conversation with Clarke. For once, she just wishes they could have a nice, quiet walk in the woods without conversation. "It's not just the Grounders. We're surrounded by criminals. We need each other." Addison steps over a log with a heavy sigh, knowing full well that Wells is delusional if he thinks his and Clarke's friendship will ever return to how it used to be, before all that stuff happened to her and her father. "We're gonna be friends again."

"Pffft...doubt it." Addison mumbles under her breath with a roll of her eyes.

"You got my dad killed. Not possible." Clarke proves her point with a stern voice, keeping her eyes on the trail in front of her.

Wells disagrees with a heavy sigh, "This is Earth, Clarke. Anything's possible."

Addison climbs up the steep slope, gripping onto a tree for support. She looks over her shoulder just as Finn jogs up the slope behind Wells and passes him, quietly speaking to him as he does so, "I'd let it go." Finn gets in front of Wells and comes to her side, with Dawson on her other side.

They exchange knowing looks, both irritated at the banter they're in the middle of. "Yeah." Wells pauses and meets Addison's eyes at her comment.

She averts them to Clarke's back, listening to their conversation. "Well, I've known Clarke her whole life better than you ever will, so, I'll decide when to let it go."

"I'd let it go," Dawson tells him simply.

Finn agrees, "Yeah, I can tell you guys are close." As soon as the words roll off his tongue, a thud comes from under his foot.

He stops, as well as Addison and Dawson, looking down. "Do it again," she kneels next to his foot as he steps on it a couple times.

"What is it?" She glances at Clarke with a small shrug before turning her attention back to whatever it is.

Finn's adventurous brown eyes look down into Addison's, "Stand back. Just in case," he tells her softly.

"Finn's right." Dawson agrees, watching as her lips part to protest.

Addison reluctantly nods and stands up in sight confusion, taking a couple steps back next to Wells. She didn't know why Finn's all of a sudden acting like, 'big brother'. Every since their exchange in the woods when looking for Mount Weather, he's been acting weird towards her.

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