Chapter 72

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I lay in Fred's arms when I hear George knock lightly on the door. Fred asks his twin,"What do you need George?" George responds,"I am going to go meet up with Angelina. See you guys later." I hear George shut the door and I snuggle into Fred once again. He looks down at me and asks,"Can I ask you a question?" I smile and say,"You just did." He rolls his eyes,"Very funny love." I lock eyes with him and say,"What's up Freddie?" Fred runs his hand through my hair and finally asks,"When did you realize that you loved me?" The memory of me realizing I loved Fred passes through my mind and I smile a bit,"I realized I loved you while I was in America. I had been living in a cramped up apartment for about a month and my mother was trying to get me to actually go outside and meet new people. I had secluded myself in my room and rarely came out. I gave into my mothers wishes and went outside and headed to a park nearby. As I was walking I noticed that nearly everything reminded me of you. The smell of cedar wood made me think you were right next to me. I then saw a boy with ginger hair, thinking it was you I ran up to him. I tapped him on the shoulder and when he turned around I felt more disappointed than ever. I ran away from the guy in embarrassment and sat down on one of the swings. All of the memories we had created together rushed through my mind at once and that when I truly realized that I was in love with you." When I finish speaking Fred just stares at me. Without saying anything he lays his right hand on the back of my head. He pulls me up towards his face and kisses me. My eyes flutter shut and I smile into the kiss. When I pull away Fred frowns. I ask,"Well since I told you when I realized it, you have to tell me when you realized you loved me." Fred instantly grins and responds,"I realized it the second you let go of me at Kings Cross. The moment you walked away I thought I would never see you again. It felt like there was a literal piece of me missing. I asked Georgie if he had ever felt this way before and he was the one who put the feeling into words. He said,'Its called heartbreak Freddie. You are in love with her, you idiot.' I realized that what he was saying was the truth. I was in love with you, and I have been every since. I always will be." I feel the tears escape my eyes as he stops talking. I bring my hand up to wipe away the tears and say,"And I will always love you." Fred sits up and I do the same. He studies my bare skin and says,"I love every single part of you. I love all of things you are insecure about. I am yours as long as you want me." I lean forward and kiss his cheek softly before saying,"I love you too,Freddie. More than anything." Fred lays back down and I follow his actions. He pulls me into him and I sigh in content. After a few minutes I hear Fred lightly snoring and I giggle quietly. I close my eyes and lay on his chest, falling asleep to the sound of his heartbeat. 

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