Chapter 76

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Its finally Christmas time and I couldnt be happier. Christmas always makes me feel better because I get to be with the people I love. The burrow is pretty quiet. Im sitting on Fred's lap on the couch and George is next to us. A loud knock on the door echoes through the house and I jump. I get off of the couch and walk to the door. Molly and Arthur are standing behind me in case there is some kind of attack happening again. I swing the door open and gasp when I see who it is. Ron is standing with Bill and Fleur. Molly brings Ron into her arms and starts crying. She says to Ron,"I'm so glad youre ok! Wheres is Hermione and Harry?" Ron sighs and says,"They wanted to visit somewhere else. So we parted ways for a bit." Molly nods and realizes that he doesnt really want to talk about the subject. We let Bill, Ron, and Fleur in and shut the door. We all sit down at the dinner table to talk and I cant help but stare at Ron. He looks much more mature then he did when I last saw him. Its only been a few months but he looks so grown up now. Fred snaps me out of my thoughts when he lays his warm hand on my knee. I look over at him and he whispers,"You ok, love?" I nod and whisper back,"Im just tired." I lay my head on his shoulder and listen to Arthur and Bill's conversation. 

After a few hours everyone is fairly tired. Ron told everyone that he has to leave the next day so he can meet up with Harry and Hermione. I slip into bed with Ginny since she was worried something will happen to Harry. I understand where she is coming from, being scared that a person you love might not come back alive. I hear her soft snores fill the room and I tip-toe out of bed. I descend down the stairs and slip on my shoes. I walk out the door quietly and walk into the field. I sit down in the snow and start to overthink things. What happens if I cant protect the people I love?  What if something happens to Remus and Tonks? What happens if I loose the Twins? I lay back in the snow and close my eyes. I hear someone calling my name. I open my eyes and see Sirius standing there. Tears start flooding down my cheeks and I run to him. He holds me close to him and kisses the top of my head. He pulls away and says,"Youve grown up to become such a beautiful young woman. You look a lot like your mother did when she was younger. Fred must have his hands full with you." I giggle and he continues,"And I see youre wearing the ring I gave you." My hand instantly goes to the ring that is hanging from the chain on my neck. I smile and say,"It comforts me when Im nervous." I hear a voice echoing and I yell to Sirius,"What is that?" He smiles and says,"Youre waking up, Rayla. Just remember that I love you and I will never leave you." I scream out his name but im pulled away by an invisible force. A scream tears through my mouth and my eyes fly open. Fred is kneeling beside me with tears in his eyes,"Dont you ever do that to me again!" I shiver and ask,"What happened?" Fred brings me into his lap and says,"You fell alseep in the snow! I woke up to Ginny coming into my room asking if you were laying with me. She had gotten up to get a glass of water but noticed you werent there. I ran around the house looking for you but when I saw your shoes gone I realized that you might have gone outside. But when I finally reached you I thought it was to late. I just spent the last 5 minutes trying to wake you up." I realize that I am still laying in the snow. It probably would have been best if I grabbed a coat. I try and get up but I am way too cold to do so. Fred lifts me up and carries me bridal style into the Burrow. Molly is waiting in the kitchen with a cup of tea. Fred sets me down on the counter and kisses my forehead. Molly practically shoves Fred out of the way and asks,"What on Earth were you thinking? You went out with a coat and you nearly froze to death!" I notice a  few tears running down her face and I hug her. She whispers,"Im not trying to loose you anytime soon. Im fairly certain Fred will never love again if he lost you." I nod and she pulls way from the hug. George rushes down the stairs and asks,"Did you find her?" He notices me and sighs in relief. Before George can say anything else Fred asks me,"What were you dreaming about? You were screaming pretty loudly while I was trying to wake you up." I run a hand through my hair and say,"I honestly didnt think I was dreaming. I only screamed because I didnt know what was happening. You were trying to wake me up, but I wasnt ready to." Fred nods and peppers my face in kisses. George fake gags at the PDA and walks back upstairs. Molly smiles and says,"Well I think I will be getting back to bed. Freddie, make sure she doesnt go out on anymore night adventures." Fred nods and I sip my tea. I think about my dream and say,"I was dreaming about Sirius. But it didnt feel like dreaming. I thought he was really here. He was talking about how much I'd grown and how I look like my mother when she was younger. He also said that you must have your hands full with me." Fred laughs and says,"Well I can see why you didnt want to wake up." I finish my tea and he asks,"Ready to go to bed?" I shake my head,"I dont think I will be able to get back to sleep. Im just going to sit in front of the fire." Fred nods and says,"Well then I am going to stay with you." The two of us walk into the living area and sit in front of the fire. Fred covers us with a blankets and kisses the back of my head. I stare into the flames and play around with the necklace. I smile when Fred whispers,"Love you, Princess." I whisper,"I love you too, dork." Fred and I watch the fire, just enjoying each others company. 

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