Chapter 30

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I wake up to the sound of Fred whispering my name. I flutter my eyes open and see Fred smiling at me. He stares at me and says,"You were out for two hours." I roll my eyes playfully,"I could have slept for hours longer. How are you so comfortable?" Fred shrugs and says,"No clue. But you have to get up because the rest of my family will be home soon." I stretch out a little bit and get off of Fred. He stands up and leans down to kiss me. His lips brush against mine and I can't help but move my hand to the back of his neck to deepen the kiss. Our kiss is interrupted my the rest of the Weasleys bursting through the front door. Fred and I pull away and walk over to help the rest of his family bring in a few of the things they bought. Ron bought some candy,no shocker there. Ginny walks in carrying a new jumper. George of course walks in with a bag of things from Zonkos Joke Shop. Fred rushes over to see what his twin bought. Those two are definitely going to cause even more trouble when we get back to Hogwarts. Molly smiles at me and says,"Only 10 more hours until the new year!" I smile back at her and walk over to the Twins. George pulls out a bunch of things for pranks and I cant help but laugh at the two boys getting so excited over these things. 

It's now only 10 minutes until the new year and I cant wait to see what new things will come with it. We are all standing around the Weasley Clock waiting for the the hands to point to midnight. Im standing in front of Fred who has his arms around my waist. I glance over to Molly who gives me a slight wink. 

Finally only 10 seconds until the new year. The Weasleys count down loudly and I laugh before joining in,"10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1!" Fred turns me around by my waist and crashes his lips against mine. I cant help but smile against his lips. It feels like everyone around us is disappearing as Fred and I kiss. After a bit Fred and I pull away from each other only to see everyone else staring at us. I blush and hide my face into Fred's shirt. Molly interrupts the silence,"Well off to bed everyone. Rayla Dear, you have permission to sleep in Fred's bed if you'd like. Just no canoodling." Fred groans but thanks his mother. 

After changing into my pajamas I slip into Fred's bed and he immediately places his hand on the side of my face. I lean into his hand lovingly. We kiss goodnight and I slip into sleep fairly easily. But the nightmare to come was not what I needed. 

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