Chapter 27

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Its December 30th and all students are allowed home for a week for the new year. Molly invited me to stay at the Burrow since the rest of my family are on vacation. I hear the twins walk into my room. Fred laughs,"You're still packing? We leave in an hour." I sigh,"I know Freddie. I just want to impress your parents. I mean I have only spoken with your parents once." George responds,"Our entire family already loves you. I mean Fred never shut up about you while you were gone." I smile and walk over to my dresser. I grab a weeks worth of clothes and pack them neatly into my suitcase.

An hour passes swiftly and the Twins and I are now sitting in a compartment on the Hogwarts Express. I am sketching in my sketch book I received from my aunt and the Twins are once again talking about pranks they should pull. I glance up at Fred and George and an idea pops into my head. I flip to a new page and start sketching the Twins sitting together deep in conversation. After a bit I finish up my sketch and I smile to myself. George notices my smile and plucks the sketch book from my hands and looks at the sketch of him and his twin. He laughs and says,"This is really good. You got Fred's big nose just right." Fred elbows his brother and takes the sketch book away from him. He studies it for a minute and then looks at me. He leans over and kisses my cheek,"It looks amazing love." I blush and lean my head on his shoulder.

A few hours pass and I step out of the train with the Twins by my side. I can't help but fiddle with my necklace as we wait for Mr. and Mrs. Weasley. My nerves get worse when I see Arthur and Molly making their way through the crowd of people. Molly and I make eye contact and she smiles. She reaches us and pulls me into a bone crushing hug. I giggle and hug her back. She pulls away and says,"Welcome to the family dear." I smile,"Thank you Mrs.Weasley." She laughs and says,"Oh you can call me Molly." I nod and she gives each of her children a warm hug. Arthur walks up to me and pulls me into a hug. After he pulls away he walks over to Fred and says,"You chose well." Fred smiles and takes my hand in his.

We finally reach the Burrow and my breath is taken away. It looks perfect and so homely. Molly glances over to me,"Welcome to our home dear. You will be rooming with Ginny. If you ever need anything don't hesitate to ask." I nod and thank her. Fred helps me bring my things to his sisters room. Once everything is set up Fred takes my hand and pulls me into his arms. I giggle and bury my head into his chest. After a minute I pull out of the hug and stand on my tip-toes in order to kiss Fred. Our kiss is stopped when Ginny walks into the room. I pull away from Fred. Ginny laughs and says,"I'm sorry for interrupting. If you two are going to kiss you might want to do it some where more private." With that she sets her things down and walks out of her room. Fred and I look at each other and burst into laughter. After a bit Fred grabs my hand and we walk down the stairs for dinner. This week with the Weasley's is going to be interesting.

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