Chapter 62

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Fred shakes his head and climbs out of the window. I set one of the blankets on the roof and sit on it. Fred plops down next to me and I lay the other blanket over us. I snuggle into Fred's shoulder and he says,"You're one crazy girl." I chuckle,"And thats why you love me." We fall deep into conversation until I hear someone call our names. I turn around and see George popping his head out of the window. He says fairly loudly,"Mum wants you guys to come down for dinner." Fred sighs and gets up. He holds out his hand for me to take and I do. He lifts me up with one arm like I weigh next to nothing. We grab the blankets and climb back through the window. I smile at the warm air of the Burrow and take off my jacket. I race the Twins down the stairs and into the dining room. I sit in a chair between Ginny and Tonks. I spot Fred and George throwing peas at Ron and muffle a laugh.

After we finish eating we all head to the living area. Fred and George are sitting on the couch with Ginny and Ron, while i'm sitting on the floor between Fred's legs. I cross my right arm over my left shoulder and hold Fred's hand. I watch Remus,Harry, and Arthur discuss something across the room. Hermione is reading a book and I cant help but grin when I realize its a romance novel. I feel Fred's grip on my hand tighten and I whip around to look at him. His jaw is clenched and eyes look a shade darker. My mouth falls open as my hand starts to hurt because of Fred's grip. George notices and his eyes go wide. He looks at his brother and says,"Freddie, let go." Fred's jaw softens and his eyes return to their normal shade of brown. He realizes how tight his grip was and lets go of my hand. He excuses himself and walks upstairs. I get up to follow him but Ginny grabs my hand,"Trust me. It is best if you stay away from him for a bit." I stare at her confused,"What do you mean? Who said what to him?" George glares at Ron and says,"Well Ronald over here told Fred the rumor that is going around Hogwarts right now." I turn to Ron with my eyes shut,"Ronald Weasley, what in Merlin's name did you say to him?" Ron tried hiding himself behind Ginny but she just gets off of the couch,"I may have told him that a bunch of Slytherins are telling everyone that Fred is just using you for... shagging." My eyes fly open and I run up the stairs as fast as I can. I open the door swiftly and see Fred sitting on the bed with his head in his hands. I walk over to him and take his hands away from his face. He wraps his arms around my waist and lays his head on my stomach. I run my hands through his hair and say,"Fred dont even bother with those dumb Slytherins. We arent even in school anymore. Also, I know you arent just using me." He lifts his head off of me and looks up to meet my eyes,"I would never in a billion year use you like that. I just didnt want that rumor to reach you, and then you would believe it." I get down on my knees so I am smaller than Fred. Instead of saying anything I lift my head to catch his lips with mine. This kiss is much softer than any we have ever had. I pull away after a bit and stand back up,"Come on Freddie. Let's go back downstairs." He gets back up and we walk to the door. Before I can step out of the room he spins me around to kiss me again. He pulls away moments after and takes my hand.

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