Chapter 20

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I walk into Defense Against The Dark Arts with the new professor. The trio is in here with me and so are some of my other Ravenclaw friends. The professor announces to the class,"Today we will be reviewing something you learned last year, boggarts." I hear the rest of the class groan. I lean over to Ron and whisper, "What in Godrics name is a boggart?" He leans over and responds, "You'll see." Well that was helpful. Moody has us all line up and he of course has Harry go first. The professor opens the closet and a dementor comes out of it. He points his wand at the creature and yells out, "Riddikulus!" The dementor spins and spins until it is a little kite floating around. What in the world just happened? 

Everyone in front of me goes and that leaves me last but not least. The professor looks me up and down and says, "Well miss Williams, tell me when you're ready." I ready my wand and nod. Moody opens the closet and steps back. I thought it would show me a spider or a clown, but what comes out is much worse. My father. I see his face and I cant help the shocked look on my face. I slowly back up. I look over to Moody and he says,"Well miss, you better do it yourself." I raise my wand to my 'fathers' face and try to utter the spell. I cant do this, I turn and run out of the classroom and up the stairs. I run until I reach the door to the common room. I mutter the answer to the riddle and sprint into my room. 

Hours have passed and I still havent left my room. I have my legs curled up to my chest when I hear a faint knock on the door. Rosalie cracks the door open and says, "Hey, I brought something for you." She opens the door all the way and then leaves. I bury my head under the blanket when I feel a two pairs of arms lift the covers off of me. Fred and George are there sitting on my bed with their arms open. I lean into their arms and they hug me tightly. They pull away and George says,"We heard you ran out of class earlier and we had to come and see you. Mind telling us why you ran?" I take a shaky breath and start the long story of the main reason I left America,"While I was living in America with my mother, sister, and father, I experienced something nobody should ever have to go through. After about a month of living in America, I was laying in my bed trying to fall asleep when I hear my father come into my room. He pulled away my covers and began to... touch me. He came into my room every night for two years and did the same thing over and over again. When I found out my aunt had moved to England I took my chance to escape. I haven't told anyone this except now you two." I finished speaking and looked at the Twins's faces. They both had started crying. Seeing their reaction broke me even more and I couldnt stop the tears flowing down my face. The Twins pulled me into the tightest hug imaginable and this time none of us plan on pulling away. Fred looked down at me and said,"I am so so sorry you went through that. We love you, and we promise that if we ever see that man he will truly wish he were dead. I look up at the Twins and say,"That means a lot. Also, I love you guys more." George pinched my side knowing that I really meant that I loved Fred a bit more than I loved George. 

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