Chapter 101

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I squeeze onto Molly's hand as George drives as fast as he can. We all agreed it was safer to use muggle transportation in order to not hurt me or the baby. We couldn't fit everyone into the car so George and Draco are in the front while Ginny and Molly are sitting in the back with me. I stare at Dracos watch that is currently sitting in my lap so I can time my contractions. I take in deep breaths as another contraction hits me. I look at Molly and say,"They're getting closer together." Molly runs her hand through my hair and says,"I know dear, we're almost there." As if on cue George pulls into the emergency lot of the Hospital and Molly helps out of the car. Draco rushes to my side and lets me lean on him as I try my best to walk into the hospital. We walk up to the counter and the nurse sitting there isn't even paying attention. Molly slams her hand onto the counter and says,"My daughter-in-law is currently in labor and if we don't get into a room right now she will give birth right here and now." The nurse looks stunned and nods before rushing off to get another nurse. She brings back a hospital bed and helps me onto it as carefully as possible. She rushes me into a hospital room and changes me into a hospital gown before running off to get a doctor. I look at Molly and ask,"Where are they, Molly! I need Freddie here!" Molly wipes the sweat off of my forehead and shakes her head,"I'm sure they'll be here soon dear." The doctor walks into the room and pulls on a pair of gloves before lifting my hospital gown to check how I'm doing. She looks back up at me and says,"You're almost ready to start pushing Mrs. Weasley. You're allowed to have two people in here with you." I turn my head towards Molly and she nods as if saying she'll stay. I smile weakly and hear a familiar voice say,"I'm right here for you, love." I whip my head towards the door and see Fred standing there with Arthur right behind him. I let out a cry of relief and he walks over to my side. He grabs my hand and kisses the back of it softly before saying,"I'm so sorry I left. I should have stayed at the flat with you." I shake my head and say,"It's not your fault Freddie. The baby is a few weeks early. You're here now and that's what matters." The doctor lifts my gown and says,"Youre ready to push. Ok when the next contraction hits I want you to push as hard as you can. You also have to remember to breathe through it." I nod and Fred pulls a hair tie off of his wrist and pulls my hair back into a messy bun. I raise my eyebrow and ask,"You just carry those around on your wrist?" Fred grins and responds,"I've worn one for years now, I know how much you hate having your hair in your face while you're working." I smile but it disappears as another contraction washes over me. The doctor nods and says,"Push!" I grip Fred's hand hard as I push. Molly wipes a few loose strands of hair away from my face and whispers,"Breathe." I take in a deep breath and push again. The contraction stops and the Doctor says,"You're doing great."

After what seems like hours of pushing I feel exhausted. Molly had to leave the room because she was getting anxiety. The Doctor looks up at me and says,"One final push Mrs. Weasley. I know you can do it." I grip into Fred and push as hard as I can. I let out a scream and a light in the hallway shatters. I hear a quiet cry and I feel tears flood down my face. The doctor wipes the baby off with a towel and lifts them up before saying,"Mr. And Mrs. Weasley, meet your daughter." She walks over to me and sets her on my chest and she immediately stops crying. Fred has a few tears running down his face as he rests his hand on our daughters back. I look up at Fred and ask,"Did we really make this?" Fred chuckles and says,"That we did love. She is beautiful." I run my fingers over her head and say,"She's definitely a Weasley. I mean did you see these locks of ginger?" Fred chuckles and asks,"What are we going to name her?"

The family and Draco walk into the room and Molly immediately melts over the small baby within Fred's arms. Everyone crowds around Fred and the baby and Ron asks,"What's her name?" I twist my wedding ring around my finger and say,"Well Freddie and I agreed to name her after two of the most important people in my life. Her name is Elora Remus Elizabeth Welasey. Remus after my father figure and Elizabeth after my mother." Molly smiles at Elora who is now in her arms and says,"Hello little Elora. You look just like you daddy did when he was born." Molly kisses Elora's forehead before passing her over to Arthur. Instead of saying anything he just starts laughing. He didn't need to say any words and we all knew what he was thinking. He puts his finger to Elora's tiny hand and she squeezes onto it. Arthur hands her to Ron and he says,"She looks kind of squishy." Ginny smacks her brother and says,"Why can't you just admire her like a normal person?" Ron chuckles and hands her over to Ginny who immediately says,"I know I'm gonna get plenty of time with this little one so I'll hand her over to the person I can tell is dying to hold her." She passes Elora to George and he immediately looks like a puddle. His face is tinted pink and he has a huge grin on his face. He looks at his twin and says,"Oh I can already tell she'll be a little troublemaker like her father and favorite uncle. You can tell just by the Weasley hair." I roll my eyes and Draco comes over and sits next to me on the hospital bed. He sets his hand on my knee and says,"She's beautiful you know. She's gonna be breaking every boy's heart." I giggle and say,"She's gonna be one spoiled little princess." George walks over and asks Draco,"Wanna hold her?" Draco nods and Elora is placed in his arms. Molly rests her head on Arthurs shoulder and asks,"Who are the godparents?" Fred looks at me and nods. I meet Molly's gaze and say,"Well we're doing something a little odd. INstead of having a godmother and a godfather, little Elora here is going to have two amazing godfathers if they accept." Fred lays his hand on George's shoulder and asks,"So Draco and Georgie, what do you say? Will you be this little one's godfathers" Draco looks at me and grins widely before saying,"You're right this little one is definitely going to get spoiled. I'd love to be her godfather." George 'boops' Eloras nose and says,"Me too. She's gonna have amazing godfathers."

Fred and I walk into the flat and I smile at the familiar scent of cedarwood and fireworks. I look down at Elora who is wrapped up in a blanket. I whisper down to her,"Welcome home sweetheart." I walk Elora into her nursery and sit down on the rocking chair in the corner. I rock back and forth and a few tears run down my face. Fred kneels down on the ground next to me and asks,"What's wrong love?" I shake my head and say,"Nothing. I'm so happy. I have a loving husband and a beautiful daughter. I couldn't ask for more. You two are my entire world and I love you both more than anything." Fred kisses the side of my head and says,"We've come really far haven't we? We used to just be best friends and now you're my best friend and my wife. Our daughter will grow up to be a wonderful woman just like her mother." I lay my head on Fred's shoulder and say,"I love you Fred Weasley." Fred kisses me and says,"I love you too Rayla Weasley."

                                The End

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