Chapter 38

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I wake up to Ginny tapping my shoulder. I open my eyes and smile at her. I get out of bed and walk over to my dresser. I change into some jeans and a flowy white blouse. I over to the Twin's room and knock on the door. Im greeted by George who has severe bedhead. I giggle and say,"Morning Georgie. Nice hair." He says,"Haha,come on in." I walk into their room and search for Fred. I turn to George,"Where is the other troublemaker?" George just smirks and suddenly I feel someone touch my wrist. I jump and pull away. I whip around and glare at Fred who is laughing at me,"Its not funny!" Fred laughs some more and responds,"It kind of was." I glare at him harder and he stops laughing. He walks over to me and kisses my forehead which makes me calm down a bit. George walks out of the room leaving Fred and I. Fred smiles down at me and says,"I want to take you somewhere." I nod and he turns me around saying,"I have to change. No peaking." I laugh and say,"You wish lover-boy."

After Fred changes he leads me down the stairs and out the door. I chuckle,"Where on Earth are you taking me?" He laughs and says,"You'll see." I roll my eyes and continue following the redhead. After about 15 minutes of walking we come to a stop on the top of the hill. Fred turns to me and says,"Look down love." I look to the bottom of the hill and see a field of wildflowers. I gasp and say,"It's beautiful Freddie." Fred smirks,"Race ya down." I laugh and sprint down the hill. I come to a stop but am knocked to the ground by Fred. He ends up on top of me and we are both laughing. He smiles widely,"Looks like I have truly swept you off your feet." I giggle and roll my eyes,"No kidding." He stops laughing and stares into my eyes. I stare right back into those brown eyes. He leans down and connects his lips with mine. After a bit we pull away and Fred rolls off of me. We are now lying side by side holding hands. Fred suddenly points up at the sun and says,"Why on Earth would I need that one if I have my own sun right beside me?" I blush and turn to my side and Fred does the same. I lock eyes with him and he says,"I am so in love with you." I feel my eyes begin to tear up,"I am so in love with you too." He connects his lips with mine again and I cant help but melt into the kiss. This boy is my entire universe and nobody will ever change that.

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