Chapter 53

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Its June 20th and the Twins and I just closed up the shop for the night. We finished tidying up the displays and are now sitting in the living area of the flat. George is sitting on the chair and Fred and I are sprawled across the couch. Fred plays with my right hand as he and George discuss new products. I pay little attention to the conversation and think about what Rosalie and Luna might be doing right now. I'm torn away from my thoughts when I hear George calling my name. I look up and he says,"You ok over there?" I nod,"Yeah. Im just thinking." Fred spins the ring he gave me around my finger and asks,"About what?" I sigh,"Just thinking about Rosalie and Luna. But it's fine. What new ideas do you guys have?" The Twins look at each other but drop the subject and tell me about their new ideas. 

I walk into Fred and I's room and change into pajama shorts and one of Fred's T-shirts. I sit on the bed spinning my ring around my finger in nervousness. Fred walks into the room and sits next to me. He take my hand in his,"You only spin your ring this much when youre nervous about something. What's wrong, love?" I run my hand through my hair,"It's going to sound crazy." Fred laughs,"You say that to the guy who left school with his Twin and girlfriend to open up a joke shop." I giggle at his reasoning,"Fair point. I keep having nightmares about Sirius getting killed. I dont know why but I can just sense that something big is going to happen soon." Fred lays his arm around my shoulders and he pulls me closer to him. I lay my head on his shoulder and he says,"I'm sure Sirius is fine. He is strong just like you, it runs in the family." I laugh and turn my head to peck his lips. He pouts at the short kiss and I kiss him again, this time longer. We pull away and Fred changes into flannel pajama pants and just leaves his shirt off. He lays down in the bed and I snuggle into him contently. I close my eyes to the sound of him humming. 

I wake up to the sun hitting my face. I rub the sleep from my eyes and get out of bed. The Twins told me to sleep in and they would get the shop ready. I change into jeans and a blue blouse. I walk down the stairs to the shop and see the Twins talking with Remus,Moody, and Tonks. I start running to them in excitement but slow down when I see the looks on their faces. I reach them and Remus looks at me with sad eyes. He tries talking but cant form any words. Tonks grabs onto his hand and he finally makes out what he needs to say,"Rayla, I just want you to remember how much he loved you. Sirius was killed early this morning by Bellatrix Lestrange." His words ring in my ears. I feel the tears flood down my face and my knees give out so im on the ground. I cant hold back the sobs and a scream escapes my mouth. Fred drops down next to me and takes me into his arms. No he cant be gone. He just cant. I havent even known him that long but he has made such an impact on my life. Sobs continue to rack through my body. Remus kneels down and kisses my forehead. Tonks and Moody walk out and Remus follows them. George gets to the ground with Fred and I and sets his hand on my shoulder,"Lets get you upstairs, love. You arent working today, neither are you Fred." Fred doesnt protest and instead picks me up bridal style and walks me up the stairs and back into our room. He sets me down and changes me into my pajamas knowing I will be more comfortable. Im not sobbing anymore but the tears are still running down my face at a rapid pace. Fred holds me as tight as possible and just whispers sweet nothings into my ear. 

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