Chapter 59

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I step out of Fred and I's room when I hear music coming from the living area of the flat. I see the Twins playfully dancing around the room to the music. Fred walks over to me a over dramatically offers me his hand. I roll my eyes and place my hand in his. He spins me around the room and I nearly run into George who is doing something that looks oddly like the 'chicken dance'. The music changes to what sounds like an Irish jig and I cant help but laugh as the Twins try to dance to it. I spin around the room with Fred and George. I stumble over my own feet and fall to the floor... taking the Twins with me. We all end up in a pile on the floor and burst into laughter. Living with the Twins means there is never a dull moment. Fred lifts me off of the ground and pecks my cheek. I smile sweetly at him then turn to George,"Why in Godric's name were you doing what I am going to assume was the chicken dance?" He shrugs,"First thing I could think of." I giggle and say,"Well youre fairly strange if thats what you thought of first. Anyways, I am going to go back to the room." George nods and Fred says,"I have to write letter so I will come with you." I nod and walk into the room with Fred right behind me. I jump onto the bed and Fred does the same. I turn on my side to face him,"I thought you said you had a letter to write?" Fred chuckles,"I might have lied." I grin and kiss him softly. He kisses back and when we pull away he wraps his arms around my waist. He pulls me closer and I snuggle into him. I close my eyes to the sound of his heartbeat. 

It is finally the week of Christmas and I am very excited. Remus and Tonks are joining the Weasleys also and I cant wait to see them. I pack a suitcase and walk into the living area. The Twins are already standing there and I step towards Fred. He grabs my hand and the three of us apparate in front of the Burrow. Molly swings the door and says,"Rayla! How nice to see you my dear!" I hear George say,"Sure mum greet the person who isnt your child first." Molly ignores him and hugs me. She pulls away after a moment and says,"Its just you three and Arthur and I for now. Lupin and Tonks will be here on the 23rd. Ronald,Harry, and Hermione will be here the same day, which gives us three days to ourselves." I smile at the thought of it being somewhat quiet for three days but quickly realize I will be with the Twins, which means there probably will be no quiet at all. We all walk into the Burrow and I sigh contently at the familiar and comforting smell. Arthur walks in and greets us,"Hello boys! Oh and there is the lovely miss Rayla. Keeping Freddie out of trouble?" I laugh and respond,"Always, Mr.Weasley." He chuckles and pats the Twins's backs. I follow Fred and George up the stairs and into their old room. George sets his things next to his bed and plops down onto the mattress fairly hard. Fred and I laugh at him and set our own things next to Fred's bed. Fred lays on the bed and I lay next to him. He interlaces out fingers and I cant stop the blush from spreading across my face. Fred pulls the blanket over us to keep us warm. I laugh and say,"We might as well stay like this until dinner, seeing as how I am freezing." He chuckles and pulls me into him. I hear George say from his bed,"Can I cuddle too? Im cold." Before Fred or I can respond George lays himself to my right. I'm now in the middle of the two red heads. Fred says,"Very nice Georgie." George smiles cheekily,"I have a special talent." I laugh and say,"Well at least im warm now." This makes us as giggle. The Twins start talking about something random and I smile contently. These Weasley's are the best. 

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