Chapter 10

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Im once again staring at Fred. Should I give up on liking him if I think im starting to like Harry? For once Fred wasnt goofing off with his brother. Now he is staring right back at me. I cant help but make a cute funny face at him. He chuckles and makes the same face. This time I stick my tongue out him. He does the same. I am about to make another face when I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around and see Harry standing there with a smile on his face. He hands me something and walks away. I look down at my hand and see a folded piece of paper. I open it and read, "Meet me in front of the library at 9pm. -Harry Potter" I blush and look at him and nod. He then looks over at Seamus and whispers something into his ear. 

As dinner gets done the Twins walk over to me. "What did Harry give you,Rayla? A looooove letter?" George asks. I blush and smack him in the arm. I look over to Fred and he has an irritated look on his face. I grab his arm while walking up the stairs because I start feeling dizzy from the injury. Maybe I shouldnt have left the infirmary so early. Fred steadies me and the three of us walk up to the astronomy tower. I lean over the railing to get the best view of the stars. I look to my right and see Fred doing the same. I notice the way the stars make his eyes sparkle. Dang im really cliche. I smile up at the stars wishing I could be up there with them. 

After a bit we all leave to go to our separate dorms. Once the twins are out of sight I take a detour to the library seeing as how it was almost 9 o'clock. I have a slight skip in my step as I am about to round the corner to the library. I stop when I hear voices. I peer at the library doors and see Harry and Seamus talking. "Told ya I could win the bet. She said yes to a date and now im gonna break her heart." Seamus shakes his head and gives Harry five galleons. I cant stop the tears from streaming down my face. I turn the corner and yell,"So was this all just a sick joke to you guys?" Harry has a stunned look and Seamus runs away. I run down the hall as quickly as possible. I need to go to my room. But apparently my feet have other plans as I get closer to the Gryffinor common room. I run up to the painting and stop. "I cant possibly let you in-" The lady stops mid sentence when she notices the tears on my cheeks,"Oh my dear go right ahead." She opens the door and I bolt in not stopping until I reach Fred and Georges room. I knock on the door and Fred is the one who opens it. I look up at him with tears in my eyes and he quickly pulls me into the room and hugs me tightly in his arms. "What happened love?" Fred asks me. I respond shakily, "The entire thing with Harry was just a sick bet between him and Seamus." I sob at the end of the sentence and Fred pulls away before saying, "Im going to kill them." He then storms out of the room. Oh no what is he going to do to them?!?

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