Chapter 29

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I wake up to Arthur bursting into the room yelling,"Wake up boys! Oh and Rayla to." George falls out of his bed at his fathers yelling. I laugh at the dork on the ground. I attempt to get up but im held down my a very sleep redhead. I kiss Fred's cheek,"You have to get up Freddie." Fred groans and let's me go. He stands up and stretches. His t-shirt lifts up when he stretches and I cant help but blush at the sight of his abs. I quickly turn around to hide my blush. Fred and George laugh at my actions. I turn back around and say,"I'm going to go change into some actually clothes." With that I walk into Ginny's room in order to get ready. I walk into the room and see Ginny raises her eyebrows at me,"So spend a night with Freddie did ya?" I smile and say,"I was cold and couldnt fall asleep. Nothing happened." Ginny laughs and walks out of the room. I walk over to my suitcase and pull out some skinny jeans and a red jumper. I change into the outfit and pull my hair up into a ponytail. 

I walk downstairs and join the Weasley's for breakfast. I sit next to Fred and give Molly a smile. Eating was normal until Mrs.Weasley says,"So I heard Rayla was in your bed last night,Fred. I hope you didn't do anything I wouldn't approve of." Fred chokes on piece of toast and Ron and George burst into laughter. I can feel my cheeks turn a bright red. Fred stops choking and says,"No Mum, we didn't do anything. She was cold and she couldn't fall asleep so she came into my room and all we did was sleep." Molly nodded like she didn't believe but thankfully dropped the subject. Before things could get more awkward Arthur says,"So what do you say we have a Wizards Chess tournament after eating?" Everyone agrees and we start planning out the tournament. 

After breakfast we set up Wizards Chess and plan on who is playing who first. Arthur interupts the debate by saying,"How about we do this. Ginny will play Ronald,then Fred will play George, and finally I will play Rayla. The winner of Ron and Ginny will play the winner of Fred and George. The winner of Rayla and I will play Molly. Then those two winners will play and whoever wins becomes champion. We all nod eagerly and start the game. 

Ron wins between himself and Ginny and Fred wins between him and his twin. I won against Arthur and Molly. Now its Fred and I playing for the title of Wizards Chess Champion. Knowing Fred he is going to try and distract me and play a route the thinks I dont know. Luckily I have the perfect strategy,flirt with him and then kick his butt. Fred sits down across from me and moves his first piece. 

After an hour of playing I move a piece and whisper,"Checkmate." Fred looks down at the board with wide eyes. A few moves later and I tip over his king. Everyone is looking at me stunned. Molly laughs and says,"Rayla is the new Wizards Chess Champion!" Ron tackles me into a hug and I laugh. Fred pulls Ron off of me and places a paper crown on top of my head. I smile up at him and kiss him. I pull away and say,"It was nothing personal Freddie." Fred chuckles in response. 

After lunch everyone but Fred and I leave to go to Diagon Ally. Fred takes my hand and leads me to the couch. He lays down and pulls me onto him so im laying on his chest. I giggle at him. We stare into each others eyes and he places his left hand on my cheek. He swipes his thumb across my lips and I cant help but crash my lips onto his. We kiss for awhile but pull away for air. I lay my head onto Fred's chest and he wraps his arms around me. I cant help but close my eyes and listen to the sound of his heartbeat. Fred runs his hands through my hair. I swear I could stay here for hours. 

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