Chapter 41

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It's the night before the first day of school and I make my way through the house and into the Twin's room. I tap Fred on the shoulder, waking him up. He smiles at me and asks,"What's wrong love?" I climb into his bed and lay next to him,"I'm scared. Now that a certain wizard is back, what will happen to us all? What if he does exactly what Dumbldore said he would? What if he takes me and uses me as bait to lure in Sirius?" I sniffle a bit and Fred wraps his arms around me,"I promise that will never happen. He wants to get to you then he has to go through us Weasley's." I dont stop the tears that flow down my face. I turn my head and press my lips to Fred's. He kisses me back and rests his hand on the side of my face. I pull away and he uses his thumb to wipe the fallen tears off of my face. I smile and lay my head on his chest. He runs his hand through my hair and I close my eyes feeling safe in his arms. 

I wake up to Molly bursting into the room saying,"Everyone up or you will be late for the train!" I laugh and get out of bed. I walk to the bathroom and change into a blue jumper and jeans. I walk downstairs and Remus walks up to me and hugs me. I hug him back and he says,"Promise me you will stay out of trouble this year? Well that may be hard since you're dating a Weasley twin, but still." I nod and say,"I promise." He smiles and walks off down the hall. 

Before I can step onto the train Sirius pads over to me in dog form and barks at me. I smile somehow knowing what he meant,"I love you too." Sirius saunters off and Molly walks up to me and hugs me,"Keep those boys out of trouble, will you?" I laugh and pull away,"I promise." She walks away and I step into the train. Fred and George follow me to a compartment and we all sit down. I stare out the window as we leave the station. Fred and George start talking about pranks they can pull this year. 

The sorting ceremony just happened and Dumbledore is now talking,"I would now like to introduce our new Defense Against The Dark Arts teacher,Dolores Umbridge." A woman with a horrible looking pink outfit steps up and introduces herself. I look up and see Professor McGonagall speaking with Snape about something. They both look annoyed and I can tell that they hate her as much as us students already do. After a bit the feast begins. 

I walk into my room and hug Rosalie and Luna. Rosalie smiles and asks,"So how was your summer with Fred?" I smile and respond,"It was amazing. We got a lot closer." Rosalie smirks at this and walks off somewhere. I set Artemis's cage on my dresser and open the door. She stretches her wings a bit and then flies out the window most likely to scout out the school. I smile and walk into the common room with Luna. I have truly missed Hogwarts. 

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